夯实基础 舞好龙头 创出佳绩——记全国施工企业设备管理优秀机务干部刘功武

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刘功武,这位60年代毕业于河北农业大学农机及电气化专业的本科生、高级工程师,近日被中国建筑业协会授予“全国施工企业设备管理优秀机务干部”称号。 1995年6月,工一师党委决定成立师设备动力管理处,以加强全师设备动力管理的力度,由他出任设备动力处处长,虽是同级调动,但他并不感到轻松。 一个时期以来,全师的设备管理工作一直很薄弱,有不少企业领导连本单位有多少台设备,分布在哪里都不清楚。更难的是有的企业领导很少有“设备管理”的观念。 当时设备处连刘功武在内共两人。万事开头难,他先从基础入手,摸情况、查问题、搞调查,同时根据《设备管理条例》和《建机管理条例》的要求,建立健全了设备管理的组织机构,加强了设备管理工作的力量。 他先把重点放在了乌鲁木齐市地区各施工单位。调查中他发现,一线职工对设备管理的现状很有意见,尤其是老工人,心疼地抱怨道:“那么值钱的东西(指施工机械),没人好好管理,真太可惜了。” Liu Gongwu, an undergraduate and senior engineer who graduated from Agricultural University of Hebei in the 1960s, was recently awarded the title of “National Excellent Construction Equipment Manager for Construction Enterprises” by the China Construction Industry Association. In June 1995, the Party Committee of the Workers’ First Division decided to establish the division’s equipment power management office to strengthen the power management of the entire division. He was the head of the equipment power division. Although he was mobilized at the same level, he did not feel relieved. For a period of time, the entire division’s equipment management work has been very weak, and many company leaders have no idea how many units are in the unit. What is even more difficult is that some business leaders rarely have the concept of “equipment management.” At that time, there were two people in the equipment department, including Liu Gongwu. Everything was difficult at the beginning. He started with the basics, touched the situation, investigated problems, and conducted investigations. At the same time, he established and improved the organization of equipment management and strengthened equipment management in accordance with the requirements of the “Regulations on Equipment Management” and the “Regulations on Construction Machinery Management.” the power of. He first focused on various construction units in Urumqi. In the investigation, he found that the front-line workers were very satisfied with the status quo of equipment management. In particular, the old workers complained distressedly: “So worthless (referring to construction machinery), no one manages well, it’s a pity.”