
来源 :中国茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shashh
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在茶树短穗扦插中,人们为了获得大苗、壮苗,采用了较多的措施,但关键还在于提高品种自身的生活力。为了寻找提高插穗的代谢强度和同化能力的方法,笔者进行了无性杂交F_1的扦插效果试验,方法是先将茶树进行无性杂交,并 Short cuttings in the tea tree, people in order to obtain large seedlings, strong seedlings, using more measures, but the key is to improve their own vitality of varieties. In order to find ways to improve the metabolic intensity and assimilation ability of cuttings, the author conducted the experiment of cuttage effect of F 1 hybrids by first cloning the tea tree for cloning
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2),an environmentally friendly oxidant,has already been widely used in many chemical synthesis and industrials as an altemative to replace
The rapid rise of arthropods during the Cambrian quickly established some dades,such as the euarthropod stem-group called Radiodonta,as the dominant and most di
HISTORY rnIn 2014,the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) launched its ‘Pioneer Initiative’ program,aiming to make significant contributions to the country’s m
摘要:十一届三中全会以来,以邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛为代表的党的三代中央领导集体对中国特色社会主义道路进行了前后相继的不懈探索,积累了宝贵的历史经验,形成了规律性的认识,使中国特色社会主义道路越走越宽广。在进入新时代新阶段以后,我们将在新的历史起点上坚持解放思想,改革开放,推动科学发展,促进和谐发展,奋力开拓中国特色社会主义更为广阔的发展前景。  关键词:中国特色社会主义; 发展道路; 成功经验;
菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus L.)是菊科向日葵属的多年生草本植物,易于种植,繁殖力强,在我国各地区均有广泛栽种。同时具有较好的经济、社会和生态三重价值。南菊芋1号是本课
Patterned materials on substrates are of great importance for a wide variety of applications. In solution-based approaches to material patterning,fluidicflow is