Study on transient beam loading compensation for China ADS proton linac injector Ⅱ

来源 :Chinese Physics C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:konglingdao
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Significant transient beam loading effects were observed during beam commissioning tests of prototype II of the injector for the accelerator driven sub-critical(ADS) system, which took place at the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, between October and December 2014. During these tests experiments were performed with continuous wave(CW) operation of the cavities with pulsed beam current, and the system was configured to make use of a prototype digital low level radio frequency(LLRF) controller. The system was originally operated in pulsed mode with a simple proportional plus integral and deviation(PID) feedback control algorithm,which was not able to maintain the desired gradient regulation during pulsed 10 m A beam operations. A unique simple transient beam loading compensation method which made use of a combination of proportional and integral(PI) feedback and feedforward control algorithm was implemented in order to significantly reduce the beam induced transient effect in the cavity gradients. The superconducting cavity field variation was reduced to less than 1.7% after turning on this control algorithm. The design and experimental results of this system are presented in this paper. Significant transient beam loading effects were observed during beam commissioning tests of prototype II of the injector for the accelerator driven sub-critical (ADS) system, which took place at the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, between October and December 2014. During these experiments experiments were performed with continuous wave (CW) operation of the cavities with pulsed beam current, and the system was configured to make use of a prototype digital low level radio frequency (LLRF) controller. The system was originally operated in pulsed mode with a simple proportional plus integral and deviation (PID) feedback control algorithm, which was able to maintain the desired gradient regulation during pulsed 10 m A beam operations. A unique simple transient beam loading compensation method which made use of a combination of proportional and integral (PI) feedback and feedforward control algorithm was implemented in order to significantly reduce the beam induced transi The effect and effect of the cavity gradients. The superconducting cavity field variation was reduced to less than 1.7% after turning on this control algorithm. The design and experimental results of this system are presented in this paper.
其实此刻的托蒂站在球场中央,他再也无法掩饰因为百感交集而流淌出的泪水,永恒之城的象征即将成为过往云烟……——提要  我没想过要离开罗马,我爱这里的一切,我曾经考虑过加盟皇马,但我尊重罗马的球迷,我不能离开他们——提要  伴随着主裁判的终场哨响,一个时代落下了帷幕,这一天终于还是到来了,托蒂要脱下这身深红色的战袍,在今后的日子里,狼王注定只能是个传说中的人物。5月28日的罗马奥林匹克球场座无虚席,红
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