意外走光 小女孩找到发家路

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徐露是北京一所高校的大学生。 2003年6月,学校组织了一场文艺汇演,徐露和另外几名女生自编了舞蹈参加演出。待到快谢幕的时候,不知谁恶作剧把其中一名女生的白色纱裙弄湿了。那位女生非常尴尬,因为正值夏天,衣衫单薄,湿漉漉的裙子把身体的隐私暴露得一览无余,尤其是胸部的透明处依稀可见。后来这位女孩回到宿舍哭了整整一天。这件事后徐露也注意到一个问题, 就是随着吊带裙、露背装的盛行,越来越多的女生选择轻盈的雪纺蕾丝胸衣, 不仅样式时尚,而且透气性好,特别是许多的镂空花案更增添了它的神秘感。可这种文胸也有缺陷,就是湿水后容易“走光”。7月初,徐露翻看当空姐的 Xu Lu is a college student in a college in Beijing. In June 2003, the school organized a literary show. Xu Lu and several other girls performed their own dance performances. When it was time for the curtain call, I did not know who pranked the wet white dress of one of the girls. The girl was very embarrassed, because in the summer, the clothes were thin, and the wet skirt exposed the privacy of the body, especially the transparent part of the chest. Later the girl returned to the dorm and cried for a whole day. After this incident, Xu Lu also noticed a problem. With the prevalence of sundresses and halter outfits, more and more girls opted for lightweight chiffon lace bras, not only stylish but also breathable, especially many The hollow flowers case adds to its mystery. This bra is also flawed, it is easy to “light out” after wet water. In early July, Xu Lu looked up as a flight attendant
叶文智在和记者近4个小时的对话中, 数次引用行军打仗的专门术语来形容自己精彩的经商经历。这个个头不高的男人如果生在战争年代,兴许能成为又一个著名的军事家。 Ye Wenzh
谋略或者说智慧,时时贯穿于创业者的每一个创业行动和行动的细节中。对创业者来说,无所谓大智慧小智慧,能把事情做好就是好智慧。 Strategy or wisdom always runs through
Think me not unkind and rude That I walk alone in grove and glen; I go to the god of the wood To fetch his word to men. Tax not my sloth that I Fold my arms be
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