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农村实行联产承包责任制以后,农田水利建设如何适应变化了的新形势?江苏省泰兴县宣堡乡在去秋兴办农田水利建设中,坚持改革、大胆实践,讲求效益,为农田水利建设提供了新经验。其一是改统筹统包为按劳投工、群众集资。过去治水从开工支配劳力到施工结束,包括民工的报酬,都是由生产队统筹统包。现在按劳投工,不出工的以钱抵工。工程负担先按农业人口每人五元集资,一次结清。对民办教师、现役军人、五保户、计划生育结扎后遗症患者、社会特殊困 How to adapt to the changing situation of farmland and water conservancy construction in rural areas? In the construction of farmland and water conservancy in Qixing County, Taixing County, Jiangsu Province, we persisted in reform, daring to practice and stressing benefits, providing farmland and water conservancy construction New experience. One is to reform the whole system into a package of labor according to labor, raising funds by the masses. In the past, the control of water from the time it took to start working to the end of construction, including the remuneration of migrant workers, was all controlled by the production team. Now according to the labor department, not working to receive money to work. The project should be funded first by the agricultural population of five yuan per capita fund-raising, once settled. Private teachers, active servicemen, five guarantees households, family planning and after-effects of ligation of patients with disabilities, the community is particularly poor
The concentrations of CH4 in the atmosphere over the past 2000 years have been deduced by extracting and analyzing the air in bubbles embedded in the Dasuopu ic
电子显微镜下观察表明 ,除史塔夫类外 ,类旋壁有 8种类型 ,各分层的超微构造是由形状不同、粒径不一及排列方式各异的方解石晶粒组成。旋壁基本结构包括致密层、透明层、
一、概况宝应县地势低洼的苏北里下河地区,全县现有固定排灌站822座/1004泵,总动力为37479马力(其中电站为:22729千瓦/817泵/668座);流动水泵计有71260马力/5712泵。 First
在每 10 0 0名新生儿中 ,大约有 1~ 3名新生儿存在着不同类型和程度的听力损失 ,在有听力障碍高危因素的新生儿(如重症监护的新生儿 )中这一数字可以高达 4%~ 6 %。目前 ,世界