结构 解构 重构——儒家思想与商贾文学关系研究

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儒家思想对商贾文学的历史影响至少体现在:儒家思想发展对商贾文学发展的衍射,儒家思想对文学作品中商人形象的历史结构以及对文学作品中商人个人行为的影响等方面。商贾文学对儒家思想文化的解构主要体现在:商贾文学中对商业及商人的地位进行了重新定位和再认识,商贾文学中大肆渲染了“利”的地位和作用;极大地冲击了儒家思想构建的传统义利观,商贾文学中对商人集团色欲膨胀的正面描写具有反抗和解构封建理学的特定的历史价值和意义。商贾文学与儒家思想互动视野中的理论重构,是建立在扬弃基础上的重构,而非一种对儒家思想的重述。 The historical influence of Confucianism on the commercial literature is at least reflected in the following aspects: the development of Confucianism on the development of commercial literature, the Confucianist thought on the historical structure of the merchant’s image in literary works and the influence on the individual behavior of businessmen in literary works. The deconstruction of Confucianism and ideology in merchant literature mainly embodies in the following aspects: the position of merchants and merchants in merchant-merchant literature has been repositioned and re-cognized, the position and function of “profit ” in merchants’ literature has been greatly exaggerated, the impact of Confucianism The traditional view of righteousness and profit constructed by ideology and the positive description of the blooming of the businessman group in business literature have the specific historical value and significance of resisting and deconstruction of feudal rationalism. The theoretical reconstruction in the perspective of the interaction between business literature and Confucianism is based on the reconstruction of sublation rather than a restatement of Confucianism.
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