
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chener
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一、以农村为重点开展初级卫生保健我国现有十亿人口,其中八亿人口在农村。八亿农民的收入受自然条件的控制,如遇旱涝风暴等自然灾害,就难以解决温饱问题。据统计,我国仍有12%的村缺医少药。我国幅员广阔,县、乡、村的卫生队伍占全国医务人员总数的2/3,由于农村人口密集,农村专业卫生技术人才只占县以下人口的0.32‰,而且,业务技术水平又较低,正因如此,我国初级卫生保健的重点就应放在农村。我们应重视培训乡村医生,不断提高乡村医生的业务素质和医疗技术水平,为农村提供 I. Primary health care with the focus on rural areas China has a population of one billion people, of whom 800 million are in rural areas. The income of 800 million farmers is controlled by natural conditions. In the event of natural disasters such as droughts and floods, it will be difficult to solve the problem of food and clothing. According to statistics, there are still 12% of villages in our country lacking medicine and medicine. China has a vast territory and the health teams at the county, township, and village levels account for two-thirds of the total number of medical workers in the country. Due to the dense population in rural areas, professional health and technical personnel in rural areas account for only 0.32 per thousand of the population below the county level. Moreover, the level of business technology is low. For this reason, the focus of China’s primary health care should be placed in rural areas. We should attach importance to training rural doctors and constantly improve the professional quality and medical technology of rural doctors and provide rural areas with
山东省栖霞县为了稳定女乡医队伍、调动女乡医工作的积极性,采取了如下措施: 一、选任女乡医办法先由村委会按乡镇统一规定的条件进行推荐,然后由乡镇卫生院考核,最后报乡镇
报告了腹腔注射猪苓多糖以减轻大白鼠一次全身6 Gy~(60)Co 线照射所引起的造血功能和免疫功能的抑制。结果表明:猪苓多糖对受照后3,6,10 d 大白鼠外周白细胞,10 d 大白鼠骨髓