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作为中国近现代翻译史上重要的女性翻译家,杨绛对西方文化在中国的传播做出了不可磨灭的贡献。纵观杨绛对翻译的思考与实践,可以发现,她对翻译忠实性有着独特的理解,而这种独特的理解既源于她对翻译目标的明确把握,又深受其文学创作和文论研究的影响。本文从杨绛的文学创作和文论研究出发,探寻其对杨绛翻译观的形成以及她在翻译中的种种选择所产生的影响;同时以《吉尔·布拉斯》的译本为考察对象,综合审视杨绛的翻译策略,指出杨绛在她的译作中所采用的翻译策略与方法源于成熟的翻译观指导下做出的、具有明确指向性的选择。可以说,文学创作与文论研究深深影响着杨绛对翻译的认识与理解,而翻译观又决定了她的翻译策略与翻译方法。 As an important female translator in the history of modern Chinese translation, Yang Jiang made an indelible contribution to the spread of Western culture in China. Looking at Yang Jiang’s thinking and practice on translation, we can see that she has a unique understanding of translation loyalty. This unique understanding derives both from her clear grasp of translation goals and her literary creation and literary theory Impact. This article starts from Yang Jiang’s literary creation and literary theory, explores its influence on the formation of Yang Jiang’s translation view and her choices in translation. At the same time, she takes the translated version of Jill Blass as the research object, By examining Yang Jiang’s translation strategies, it is pointed out that Yang Jiang’s translation strategies and methods adopted in her translation are derived from the clear guidance of her translation concept. It can be said that literary creation and the study of literary theory have a profound influence on Yang Jiang’s understanding and understanding of translation, and the translation perspective decides her method of translation and translation.
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从2000年项目启动,到2009年11月23日正式上线,上交所新一代核心业务系统经历了十年历程。 2009年11月23日,上海证券交易所(以下简称上交所)新一代核心业务系统正式上线。为
替加色罗由于致命性心脏不良反应而撤市诺华制药集团与 FDA 商议后已同意将替加色罗(tegas-erod)撤市。该药主要用于女性便秘型肠易激综合征的缓解症状及65岁以下慢性便秘患
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主要分析了“五六”大火期间爆发火形成时的气象条件,发生区域的气候条件、风场、大气层结构及风廓线,从中分析得出影响爆发火发生的几种气象条件。 This paper mainly analyz