Displacement mechanisms of enhanced heavy oil recovery by alkaline flooding in a micromodel

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lassie01
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Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) by alkaline flooding for conventional oils has been extensively studied. For heavy oils, investigations are very limited due to the unfavorable mobility ratio between the water and oil phases. In this study, the displacement mechanisms of alkaline flooding for heavy oil EOR are investigated by conducting flood tests in a micromodel. Two different displacement mechanisms are observed for enhancing heavy oil recovery. One is in situ water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion formation and partial wettability alteration. The W/O emulsion formed during the injection of alkaline solution plugs high permeability water channels, and pore walls are altered to become partially oil-wetted, leading to an improvement in sweep efficiency and high tertiary oil recovery. The other mechanism is the formation of an oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion. Heavy oil is dispersed into the water phase by injecting an alkaline solution containing a very dilute surfactant. The oil is then entrained in the water phase and flows out of the model with the water phase. For heavy oils, investigations are very limited due to the unfavorable mobility ratio between the water and oil phases. In this study, the displacement mechanisms of alkaline flooding for heavy The oil EOR are investigated by conducting flood tests in a micromodel. Two different displacement mechanisms are observed for enhancing heavy oil recovery. One is in situ water-in-oil (W / O) emulsion formation and partial wettability alteration. The W / O emulsion formed during the injection of alkaline solution plugs high permeability water channels, and pore walls are altered to become partially oil-wetted, leading to an improvement in sweep efficiency and high tertiary oil recovery. The other mechanism is the formation of an oil-in- water (O / W) emulsion. Heavy oil is dispersed into the water phase by injecting an alkaline solution containing a very dilute surfactant. The oil is then entrained in the water phase and flows out of the model with the water phase.
我院1998年11月26日收治了5例集体亚硝酸盐中毒患者,本文就临床经过作一分析。1 临床资料患者包括姐弟两人(分别12岁、10岁)、其父母(分别35岁、36岁)和其姑父(34岁)。5例病人于进食含亚硝酸盐的羊肉后0.5~2小
1 临床资料 男15例,女5例,年龄7~58岁。用有机磷农药治疗皮肤病(疥疮、搔痒、湿疹等)13例、灭虱致中毒3例、预防蚊虫叮咬皮肤及蓄意谋害致中毒各1例,余2例为不慎接触中毒。中
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