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2016年1月12日,装机容量3.4MW的我国大型海洋潮流能发电机组总成平台在浙江省舟山市岱山县秀山岛南部海域下海。据了解,这是目前我国自主研发生产的装机功率最大的潮流能发电机组。潮流能作为清洁无污染的可再生新能源,近年来在国内外受到了广泛关注。此前,我国海洋潮流能发电机组最大规模为300kW,突破兆瓦级别是我国海洋潮流能发电领域的重要课题。该3.4MW潮流能发电机组长70m、宽30m,平均高 On January 12, 2016, a large-scale marine tidal current generator assembly platform with an installed capacity of 3.4MW was set to sea in the southern part of Xiushan Island, Daishan County, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province. It is understood that this is currently China’s independent research and development production installed capacity of the largest tidal current generator. As a clean and pollution-free renewable new energy, the trend has drawn wide attention at home and abroad in recent years. Prior to this, China’s marine tidal current generator set the largest scale of 300kW, breaking the megawatt level is China’s ocean tidal current energy generation an important issue in the field. The 3.4MW tidal current generator set is 70m long and 30m wide with an average height
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美国作家马克·吐温曾说:“Don’t par t with your illusions.When they are gone you may still exist,but you have ceased to live.不要放弃你的梦想。当梦想没有了以后,
金门首航书法释文:恨水茫茫何处涯,海珠晓照旧人家。三分春色藏深洞,半纪冰箱冻异葩。梦缺梦圆和泪酒,潮迎潮送载糖槎。往来皆是蓬莱客,片片苍帆映彩霞。 Golden Gate maide