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1 流域概况 南四湖湖西地区属黄泛平原,总面积21854km~2,包括济宁市、菏泽市、泰安市的一部分及河南省的部分地区。地势西高东低,地面比降为1/5000~1/20000。气候属暖湿带、半湿润季风性气候,亦具有大陆性气候特征。平均年降雨量700mm,60%~70%集中在6~9月份的汛期,造成暴雨的主要天气系统为台风雨及气旋雨,降雨强度较大。湖西地区均被第四纪地层所覆盖,土质多为沙土、壤土、粘土。2 设计洪水计算方法 本地区雨量资料和流量资料都较丰富,有国家基本雨量站35处,水文站10处。因为湖西区属平原区,河道经常治理,河道断面情况前后不一致,故流量资 1 Basin Profile The lake area in the western part of Nansihu Lake belongs to the Huangfan Plain, with a total area of ​​21854km ~ 2, including part of Jining, Heze, and Tai’an and part of Henan. The topography is high in the west and low in the east, and the ground level is reduced to 1/5000 ~ 1/20000. The climate is warm and humid, semi-humid monsoon climate, also has continental climate characteristics. The average annual rainfall 700mm, 60% ~ 70% concentrated in the 6 September flood season, causing the main stormy weather system typhoon and cyclone rain, rainfall intensity greater. Huxi area are covered by Quaternary strata, mostly sandy soil, loam, clay. 2 Design Flood Calculation Method Rainfall data and flow data are abundant in this area. There are 35 national rainfall stations and 10 hydrological stations. Because the Huxi District belongs to the plains area, the river is often controlled and the cross-section of the river channel is inconsistent before and after, so the flow rate
绿色是人们的渴望,青山可以为证,谁播种了绿色,谁就播下了希望,谁就会在人们的心目中留下难忘的记忆。 ——采访札记 1999年8月5日,这是一个在中国历史上永远难忘的日子。这
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如何记忆英语单词 HOW CAN YOU MEMORISE ENGLISH WORDS People are not born with good memories.They develop them with practice.If we are going to learn a new langu
军区党委机关开展“加强党性修养、锤炼思想作风”教育整顿活动 房峰辉司令员刘福连政委参加活动并在教育整顿集中教育阶段总结大会上讲话2月16日至25日,军区党委机关利用8
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