Electrochemical Behaviors of Fe~(2+) and Sm~(3+)in Urea-NaBr Low Temperature Melt and Their Inducti

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongge5266
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The cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry and chronoamperometry were used to study the behaviors of Fe 2+ on Pt, Cu, Ag and Ti electrodes in urea NaBr melt at 373 K. Electroreduction of Fe 2+ to metallic Fe is irreversible in one step. The exchange current density determined on Ti electrode is 2 68×10 -5 A·cm -2 . Sm 3+ does not reduce to Sm alone, but can be inductively codeposited with Fe 2+ . Sm Fe alloy film contained over 90% Sm (mass fraction) can be obtained by potentiostatic electrolysis and galvanostatic electrolysis on Cu substrate. The Sm content in the alloy is related to the cathode potential, current density and the Sm 3+ /Fe 2+ molar ratio. The surface state of the Sm Fe deposit was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry and chronoamperometry were used to study the behaviors of Fe 2+ on Pt, Cu, Ag and Ti electrodes in urea NaBr melt at 373 K. Electroreduction of Fe 2+ to metallic Fe is irreversible in one step. The exchange Current density determined on Ti electrode is 2 68 × 10 -5 A · cm -2. Sm 3+ does not reduce to Sm alone, but can be inductively codeposited with Fe 2+. Sm Fe alloy film contained over 90% Sm (mass The Sm content in the alloy is related to the cathode potential, the current density and the Sm 3+ / Fe 2+ molar ratio. The surface state of the SmFe deposit was studied by scanning electron microscopy.
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