The Effects of Insulin and Prolactin on an Epithelial Cell Line from Mammary Gland of Dairy Goat

来源 :畜牧兽医学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:monkey825
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Mammary epithelial cells with lactational function can be a valuable cellular model for research of the development and regulation of the mammary gland.This paper describes some aspects of function of an epithelial cell line from the mammary gland of the dairy goat.SDS-PAGE,triglyceride and lactose content of cultured cells were used to assess synthetic function of cells and the effects of exposure to insulin and prolactin.Results show that goat mammary epithelial cells can synthesize fat,proteins and lactose when they were cultured in DMEM-F12 medium with added EGF,IGF-1,ITS and FBS.There were no obvious changes after 48h treatment with additional insulin.Prolactin added to the basal medium significantly increased synthesis of proteins and lactose.A mammary gland epithelial cell line from goats which has lactational function has been established.This outcome provides a valuable and convenient model system. Mammary epithelial cells with lactational function can be a valuable cellular model for research of the development and regulation of the mammary gland. This paper describes some aspects of function of an epithelial cell line from the mammary gland of the dairy goat. SDS-PAGE, triglyceride and lactose content of cultured cells were used to assess synthetic function of cells and the effects of exposure to insulin and prolactin. Results show that goat mammary epithelial cells can synthesize fat, proteins and lactose when they were cultured in DMEM-F12 medium with added EGF , IGF-1, ITS and FBS. There were no obvious changes after 48h treatment with additional insulin. Prolactin added to the basal medium significantly increased synthesis of proteins and lactose. A mammary gland epithelial cell line from goats which has lactational function has been established .This outcome provides a valuable and convenient model system.
1 前言过盈联接按联接表面的几何特征可分为连续表面的过盈联接,例如圆锥面联接;断续表面的过盈联接,例如具有单槽锥形衬套的过盈联接,见图1.具有单槽锥形衬套的联接装置,主
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