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草原是陆地生态系统的主体,我国草原面积辽阔,拥有的草原总面积居世界第二。草原资源是农牧区农户生产生活的物质基础,保护草原生态环境,合理利用草原资源不仅关系到农牧区农户的生计,对农牧区周边农业的可持续发展也有重要的意义。目前,我国草原生态环境破坏严重,其中草原产权制度的不完善是造成草原生态环境破坏严重的催化剂,为了改善草原的生态环境,实现草原资源的有序开发和可持续利用,笔者拟从法律的角度分析目前我国草原产权制度存在的问题,并提出相应的完善建议。 The grassland is the main body of the terrestrial ecosystem. The vast grassland in China has the second largest grassland in the world. Grassland resources are the material basis for farmers’ production and living in the farming and pastoral areas. Protecting the grassland ecological environment and using the grassland resources rationally are not only related to the livelihood of farmers in the farming and pastoral areas, but also of great significance to the sustainable development of agriculture around the farming and pastoral areas. At present, the ecological environment of grassland in our country is seriously damaged. Among them, the imperfect system of grassland property rights is a serious catalyst for the destruction of grassland ecological environment. In order to improve the ecological environment of grassland and achieve the orderly development and sustainable use of grassland resources, Analyze the existing problems of the grassland property right system in our country at present, and put forward corresponding improvement suggestions.
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The Chang’E-3(CE-3)mission began with a smooth countdown and flawless launch on the Long March 3B rocket from the Xichang satellite launch center at 01:30 CST
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目标:宜宾  线路:成都——乐山——宜宾,全程高速公路  采访任务:体验从成都到宜宾的南向交通大通道  出发时间:2010年12月29日上午10点50分  参加人员:文字记者贺贵成、实习摄影记者聂龙    成都——乐山,全长105公里,在蒙蒙的薄雾中,我们经过1小时20分钟车程,安全到达乐山。  12点10分,我们已行驶在崭新的乐(山)宜(宾)高速公路上,宽敞平坦的双向4车道,崭新的防护栏,醒目的
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