Learn from Each Other in Friendship and Trust——An Interview with Prof. Herbert Jckle, Vice Presiden

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On Jan 23 rd , 2013, Prof. Dr. Herbert J ckle, Vice- President of the Max Planck Society (MPG) and a world- renowned expert in molecular developmental biology, was honoured with the CAS Award for International Scientific Cooperation of 2012 due to his devotion to the cooperation between CAS and MPG. He shared the Award together with Prof. C. N. R. Rao from India and Prof. G. A. Zherebtsov from Russia. Prof. J ckle has endeavoured to integrate a Max Planck model of management with the scientific research system of CAS in his catalytic efforts to establish and operate the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology (PICB) in Shanghai. In an interview with BCAS reporter SONG Jianlan, he is invited to recall his experiences in cooperation with CAS and share with us his thoughts. Early involvement: Munich of September 2004 saw Prof. J ckle in an MPG-CAS talk aimed at setting up a “Max Planck Institute” beyond territories of Germany, which is now known as the CAS- MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology (PICB). On Jan 23 rd, 2013, Prof. Dr. Herbert J ckle, Vice-President of the Max Planck Society (MPG) and a world- renowned expert in molecular developmental biology, was honored with the CAS Award for International Scientific Cooperation of 2012 due to his devotion to the cooperation between CAS and MPG. He shared the Award together with Prof. CNR Rao from India and Prof. GA Zherebtsov from Russia. Prof. J ckle has endeavored to integrate a Max Planck model of management with the scientific research system of CAS in his catalytic efforts to establish and operate the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology (PICB) in Shanghai. In an interview with BCAS reporter SONG Jianlan, he is invited to recall his experiences in cooperation with CAS and share with us his thoughts. Early involvement: Munich of September 2004 saw Prof. J ckle in an MPG-CAS talk aimed at setting up a “Max Planck Institute” beyond territories of Germany, which is now known as the CAS-MPG Partner Insti tute for Computational Biology (PICB).
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