夜深人不静 事事暖民心——今晚报的“夜间记者站”

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前不久,我到天津修改关于晚报的硕士论文,接站的好友一见面就建议:“你一定去《今晚报》的‘夜间记者站’看看,那可是咱们天津人最喜欢的专栏。”又说了一件趣事:在一个雨夜,他妻子下了班赶到公共汽车站。末班车提前开走了。乘客们滞留在站台上怨声不断。妻子焦急之下想起今晚报的“夜间记者站”,便拨了电话诉苦。没想到几分钟后,“夜间记者站”便催促汽车队派来了一辆车,把冒雨等侯的乘客们一一送回了家。我怀着极大的兴趣拜访了今晚报新闻部的负责人和记者。这里20多位同志分为3组,轮流担任“夜间记者站”的值班任务,女同志从晚上5点到9点,男 Not long ago, I went to Tianjin to revise my master’s thesis on Evening Post. When I met my friend, I suggested: “You must go to the Night Reporter Station of the Evening Newspaper, but it is our favorite column in Tianjin.” An interesting story: On a rainy night, his wife got off to work at the bus stop. The last bus departed early. Passengers stranded on the platform complain constantly. Wife anxiously think of tonight’s “night reporter station”, they dialed the phone complained. Did not expect a few minutes later, “Night Reporter Station” urged the team to send a car, the rain waiting for the passengers one by one back home. I paid great tribute to the heads and reporters of the Department of Public Information tonight. Here more than 20 comrades are divided into 3 groups, take turns serving as a “night reporter station” on duty task, lesbians from 5 pm to 9 pm, male
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