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  本文作者苏伽特·米特拉是英国纽卡斯尔大学教育、交流和语言科学学院的一位教育技术教授。他因自己的教育实验——“墙中洞”,而为人所熟识。他是NIIT(National Institute of Information Technology,印度国家信息技术学院)荣誉退休的首席科学家,并凭借“墙中洞”实验项目成为2013年TED大奖的获得者。TED是“Technology, Entertainment, Design”的缩写,是美国一家私有非营利机构,该机构以其组织的TED演讲大会而闻名,会议宗旨为“用思想的力量来改变世界”。 TED大奖设立于2005年,每年的三位获奖者除了得到十万美金外,还有机会在TED会议上公开阐述自己的TED愿望,而TED的组织者将竭尽全力帮助其实现愿望。
  What is going to be the future of learning? The kind of learning we do in schools today originated about 300 years ago, from “The British Empire”. Imagine trying to run the entire planet, without computers, without telephones, using handwritten pieces of paper, traveling by ships. But 1)the Victorians actually created a global computer made up of people. They made another machine to produce those people: the school. Schools produced people who 2)were identical to each other. They engineered a system so robust that its still with us today, continuously producing identical people for a machine that no longer exists. How is present-day schooling going to prepare children for the future?
  Well, I 3)bumped into this whole thing completely by accident...
  I used to teach people how to write computer programs in New Delhi. Right next to where I used to work, there was a slum with many orphaned children. We also had some rich parents with computers, who used to tell me about how gifted their children are. I suddenly figured that, How come all rich people have these extraordinarily gifted children? What did the poor do wrong?
  I soon made a hole in the boundary wall of that 4)slum, and stuck a computer inside just to see what would happen. All the children came running in. They said, “What is this? Can we touch it?”I said, “If you wish to...” Then I went away, and eight hours later, found them browsing and teaching each other how to browse. My colleagues said, “One of your students must have showed them how to use the mouse.” So I repeated the experiment, this time 300 miles out of Delhi, in a remote village, where the chances of a passing software development engineer were very slim. So I stuck my computer in and went on my away. After a couple of months, I returned to find kids playing games on it. They said, “We want a faster processor and a better mouse.” So I said, 5)“How on Earth do you know all this?” And they said, in an irritated voice, “You’ve given us a machine that works only in English, so we had to teach ourselves English in order to use it.” That’s the first time, as a teacher, I had heard the words “teach ourselves” said so 6)casually.   I repeated the same experiment, over and over, with the same results every time. So I decided to destroy my own argument by making a ridiculous 7)hypothesis. Can children in a remote south Indian village learn the biotechnology of DNA replication, in English, from a street-side computer? I figured the experiment would fail a few times, at which point I could go back to the lab and say, “we need teachers.”
  I put the Hole in the Wall computers in a village called Kallikuppam, and downloaded plenty of stuff about DNA replication before I left. I came back a few months later, and the children said,“We’ve understood nothing.” It was as I expected... Then a little girl raised her hand, and says in broken 8)Tamil and English, “Well, apart from the fact that improper replication of the DNA 9)molecule causes disease, we haven’t understood anything else.”

  It was an educational impossibility. They tested at zero to 30 percent, after two months, in tropical heat, with a computer under the tree, in a language they didn’t know, doing something a decade ahead of their time. Absurd! But 30 percent is a fail, in Victorian terms. We needed 20 percent higher, and I couldn’t find a teacher. But I did find a 22-yearold girl who was an accountant and played with the kids all the time. I asked her, “Can you help them?” She said, “Absolutely Not.” So I suggested she use the grandmother method;“Stand behind them. Whenever they do anything, just say, ‘Well, wow, how did you do that? What’s the next page? Gosh, when I was your age...’ You know what grannies do.” After two months, the scores jumped to 50 percent. Kallikuppam had caught up with my control school in New Delhi, a rich private school with a trained biotechnology teacher. Now I knew how to level the playing field.   这是教育范畴上不可能的事情。在热带酷热的环境下,用一台在树下的电脑,用他们不懂的语言,超前学习十年后才会学到的东西,用两个月的时间,从0分涨到了30分。太荒谬了!但是以维多利亚时代的规范来说,30分是失败的。我们需要再提高20分,然而我找不到一个老师。但我找到一个22岁做会计的女孩儿,她总和那些孩子一起玩。我问她:“你能帮助他们吗?”她回答说:“绝对不行。”之后我建议她使用老奶奶的方法;“站在他们背后。无论他们做什么,你只需要说:‘哇,喔,你是怎么做到的?下一步要做什么?天啊,当我像你这么大的时候……’你知道这就是老奶奶们干的事儿。”两个月之后,分数涨到了50。卡里古帕村赶上了我在新德里那所用来对照实验的学校,那是所富人就读的私立学校,有训练有素的生物老师。如今我知道如何大展拳脚了。
   Hole in the Wall “墙中洞”项目

  1999年,“墙中洞”项目(Hole in the Wall,简称为HIW)作为一个针对于孩子学习的教育实验首次启动。起初,一台电脑被安放在德里Kalkaji贫民窟的一面墙亭里,孩子们可以免费使用这台电脑。这个教育实验的目的是要证明在没有任何正规训练的情况下,孩子们可以通过电脑轻松学习。苏伽特称这种学习为凿壁上网教育计划。这个实验在多地进行,在印度郊区有40多个“墙中洞”项目。2004年,柬埔寨也进行了这个实验。“墙中洞”项目的兴趣点包括教育、远程展示、自发组织体系、认知体系、自然科学和意识。
  There is evidence from 10)neuroscience. The center of our brain, when it’s threatened, it shuts down everything else. Punishment and examinations are seen as threats. So we basically make our children shut their brains down, and then we say, “Perform.” We need to look at learning as the product of educational selforganization. The teacher sets the process in motion and then stands back 11)in awe and watches as learning happens. My wish is to build these Self-Organized Learning Environments; design a future of learning by supporting children all over the world to tap into their wonder and their ability to work together. Help me build this school. It will be called the School in the Cloud, where children go on these intellectual adventures driven by life’s big questions.
  Plus, you can also do Self-Organized Learning Environments at home, in school, outside school, in clubs. It’s very easy to do. There’s a great document produced by TED which will tell you how to do it. Please do it across all five continents and send me the data, then I’ll put it all together, move it into the School of Clouds, and create the future of learning. That’s my wish.
  And just one last thing. At the top of the Himalayas, at 12,000 feet, where the air is thin, I once built two Hole in the Wall computers, and the children flocked there. And there was this little girl who was following me around. I said to her,“You know, I want to give a computer to everybody, every child. I don’t know, what should I do?” She suddenly raised her hand, and said to me, “Get on with it.” I think it was good advice. I’ll follow her advice.

有时候,人生就如同一场不知何时打响的战争,生活的困境就如同一场又一场的战役,你不知怎的就参与其中,也不知道该如何应对,你害怕失败,总是犹豫不决,敌人便一次次将你打倒。即便你幸运地打赢了今天的战役,明天、后天、接下来的日日月月、年年岁岁又会有新的战斗在等待着你。何时才能了结?没有人能给你答案。但是只要我们坚持抗争,理智应对,终有一天能凯旋而归。  —Rico    Being still, star
I remember quite well a day 17 years ago. That day our twin sons, Chad and Brad, loaded their car and left home to attend college. I got up early that morning and cooked breakfast while wiping away te
“粉丝”们,前几期“地道英文”选摘的都是长篇小说的精彩章节,大家读完有何感触呢?欢迎你们以各种方式来跟小编分享一下自己的感悟和建议哦。本期,小编给大家换换“口味”,奉上一篇短篇小说。作者向我们娓娓道来一对父女之间的故事,其中的细节描写十分精彩,语言虽简练平实,但细细品读之后却令人感动不已……限于篇幅,内容有所删节。  Christina Henríquez(克里斯蒂娜·恩里克斯,1978— ),美
曾几何时,看到一位刚为人母的好友的QQ签名写道“生下孩子,原以为革命已经成功,岂知那只是万里长征的第一步”,我一笑置之,心想:养个小P孩有那么难吗?啥能耐都没有的小鬼,还能把人整得死去活来?  时至今日,我严正声明:I was wrong!养个小孩,真的可以让你“几多欢喜几多愁”,让你“求生不得求死不能”。与此同时,我也不由得要为以往对父母亲表现出的种种叛逆、不屑、抱怨、索求表示深深的忏悔。“养儿
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