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泻黄散出自宋·钱乙《小儿药证直诀》,功能清泻脾胃伏热。由藿香、栀子、生石膏、甘草、防风五味药物组成。其中藿香理脾气,能去上焦壅热;山栀清心肺之火,乃太阴阳明经药,使火屈曲下行从小便出;生石膏大寒泻热;甘草甘平解毒泻火;防风升发脾中伏火。吾以此方化裁用于口腔热证屡获满意效果,现将验案数则介绍如下。重舌甘某,女,65岁,1981年8月14日就诊。因食煎饼,当晚感受风邪,出现舌中央及舌下肿物疼痛。诊见舌中有数个溃疡面,约花生米样大,舌下血脉胀起,状似小舌(约1×3厘米),色红,有触痛,善食易饥,口干烦渴,疲倦烦热,小溲色黄,舌红,苔黄中剥,脉细数。证属脾胃伏火,阴虚血结,风热内蕴。治宜清泻脾火,养阴行血, The diarrhea yellow is scattered out of the song Qian Yi’s “Pediatric Pharmacology Card”, and the function clears the spleen and stomach. It consists of musk, wolfberry fruit, gypsum, licorice and windproof five-flavor drugs. Among them, musk is good for temper and can go to espresso and heat; hawthorn is a heart and lung fire, which is the medicine of Taiyin and Yangming Ming, so that the fire buckling descends from the urine; gypsum diarrhea fever; licorice Gan Ping detoxification and purging fire; In the fire. In order to achieve satisfactory results in oral heat syndromes, we have used this formula to reduce the number of cases. Gan Gan, female, 65 years old, treated on August 14, 1981. Due to the eating of pancakes, he felt the wind evil on that night and developed pain in the tongue and sublingual mass. There were several ulcers in the tongue, about the size of peanuts, and the sublingual blood was swollen. It looked like a small tongue (about 1 × 3 cm). It was red and tender, and it was good for food, it was hunger, and it was dry, and it was tired. Hot, small yellow, red tongue, yellow stripe, pulse breakdown. The syndrome is the spleen and stomach, the yin deficiency and blood, and the wind and heat. Expelling diarrhea, spit fire, yin and blood circulation,