Penile prosthesis implantation in a transsexual neophallus

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong487
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Reconstruction surgery for a female to male transsexual usually involves mastectomy, hysterectomy and creating anaesthetically appealing neophallus. We have successfiflly inserted an inflatable prosthesis using the AMS CX prosthesisin a 45 year old transsexual, who had a large bulky neophallus constructed from the anterior abdominal subcutaneousfat, about 9 years ago. The single cylinder CX prosthesis was well anchored to the symphysis pubis using a dacronwindsock tubing, the activation pump was placed in the dependent pouch of the right labium and the reservior in theusual perivesical space. The patient subsequently had debulking procedure using liposuction to create a more aestheticand functional phallus. To date, the inflatable neophallus prosthesis is functioning well. (Asian J Androl 2000 Dec;2: 304-306) Reconstruction surgery for a female to male transsexual usually requires mastectomy, hysterectomy and creating an aesthetically appealing neophallus. We have successfiflly inserted an inflatable prosthesis using the AMS CX prosthesisin 45 year old transsexual, who had a large bulky neophallus constructed from the anterior abdominal subcutaneousfat, about 9 years ago. The single cylinder CX prosthesis was well anchored to the symphysis pubis using a dacronwindsock tubing, the activation pump was placed in the dependent pouch of the right labium and the reservior in theusual peruseical space. liposuction to create a more aesthetic and functional phallus. To date, the inflatable neophallus prosthesis is functioning well. (Asian J Androl 2000 Dec; 2: 304-306)
<正> 跨入九十年代,日本统治阶层公开提出要由经济大国走向政治大国,实现第三次开国。海湾危机,对日本提高国际地位的外交努力是一次严峻的考验。一、海部的"大国外交"遭到沉重打击 1989年8月海部俊树上台后提出"世界正处于历史性变化中,日本要运用经济、技术力量,积极参与构筑国际新秩序,在国际事务中发挥更大的作用。"海部的外交构想在1990
公元1998年6月3日早晨6时10分,美国“发现”号航天飞机将一台“阿尔法磁谱仪”带入了宇宙空间。揭开了人类在地球之外寻找宇宙中可能存在的反物质和暗物质的序幕。 At 6:10
不等式的证明方法多且灵活,构造法是其中较重要的一种方法,构造法解题具有较大的灵活性和创造性.本文仅就如何构造三角形来证明不等式作一些探讨. 1.从不等式的结构特征出发
我院 1999年 11月收治 1例因前列腺增生经尿道电切术后 10年发生前列腺癌 ,现报告如下 :1 临床资料患者 ,91岁 ,因排尿困难 1年 ,加重伴全程肉眼血尿 3d入院。 10年前因尿频
<正> 海湾危机爆发后,日本政府向海外派兵的禁区发动了一次又一次的冲击。鉴于日本军国主义的传统、侵略的历史,强大的经济实力、潜在的军事实力以及谋求政治大国与军事大国的举动,理所当然地要引起各国的关注与警惕。
膀胱及后道结石都是泌尿系统常见疾病,我院于1997年7月至1999年9月应用窥镜式膀胱碎石器治疗膀胱及后尿道结石36例,其中同时行TURP 4例,疗效满意,报告如下。 临床资料 本组3