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黄持一:中国音乐家协会会员、中国音乐文学学会会员、中华散文学会和中国乡土作家协会理事、中国新诗特邀研究员,担任由李焕之题写刊名的《东方词家》主编和国内多家报刊的编委、编审、特邀编辑。到目前为止,黄持一已发表录播了各类作品二千多件,其中《祖国好比金凤凰》(雅文曲)一歌,成为团中央推荐歌曲;《我从小城来》(谷建芬曲)《吉祥的和平鸽》(田光曲)《美不过中国腾飞歌》(贺光明曲)等三十多首歌曲分别在中央电视台、中央电台等春节联欢晚会、国庆晚会、每周一歌、专题节目中播放,并已出版了《长江浪》《天女撒花》《黄持一短诗歌诗选》《歌词创作辅导资料》等专著。曾获得各种奖励180多次,其中《种下1999棵团圆树》(罗斌曲)一歌荣获中宣部第七届五个一工程奖、贵州省政府奖;《你应当留下什么》(吕其明曲)曾荣获全国新歌评选 Huang Yiyi: Member of Chinese Musicians Association, member of Chinese Music and Literature Society, director of Chinese Society of Prose and Chinese Native Writers’ Association, invited researcher of Chinese New Poetry, chief editor of East Ci Writers written by Li Huanzhi and several domestic newspapers Editors, editors, invited editors. So far, Huang has published more than 2,000 pieces of various works, among which “Motherland is Like the Golden Phoenix” (Ya-Wen Song) has become a song recommended by the Central Committee. “I come from a small town” (Gu Jian-fen song) More than 30 songs such as “Lucky Peace Pigeon” (Tian Guangqu) but “China Takeoff Song” (He Guangming Song) were broadcast on CCTV, CCTV and other Spring Festival Gala, National Day Gala, weekly song and special program And has published monographs such as “The Yangtze River Wave”, “The Goddess Sahua”, “Huang Zhiyi Short Poems and Poems” and “Songwriting Creation Guide Materials”. Won various awards 180 times, of which “planted 1999 Reunion Tree” (Luo Bin song) a song won the Central Propaganda Department of the Seventh Five-Year Project Award, Guizhou provincial government award; “What should you leave” (Lu Qiming song) won the national new song selection
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