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  农村富余劳动力的对外转移也是农民增收的一条重要途径。 据统计,2003年山东全省实现农村劳动力转移达到129万人,农民人均非农收入1752元,非农收入比重达到55.6%,非农产业的报酬收入已成为农民增收的重要来源。
  Xing Yuhong, at the age of 21, is a peasant engaged in greenhouse gardening in Xingjia Village, Zhaokuiyuan Township, Shanghe County, Shandong Province. While most of her contemporaries have left their hometown to seek jobs, Xing has made a fortune by tilling her own land. Nowadays, Xing and her family members plant seedless watermelon in six greenhouses, producing an income of around 50,000 yuan every year.
  Xing started to plant seedless watermelon in 2000. In order to support her, the township government specially paid money to invite an expert on watermelon plantation from Changle, which is honored as the “Watermelon Home Town” in Shandong Province, to instruct her in the proper agricultural techniques. In the very first full year of production, each of the six watermelon greenhouses resulted in more than 7000 RMB in net profits for Xing.
  Low peasant incomes have hindered the economic development of the countryside throughout China for many years, and this has caused a series of social problems. However, in the past two years, in order to help peasants increase their incomes, government departments at all levels in Shandong Province have been making every effort to help them. Besides introducing investment projects, inviting technicians, and collecting information for the peasants, the governments have also offered many opportunities for them to make a fortune. Consequently, during this period, the peasants’ incomes have increased with greater rapidity than ever before. In 2003, throughout Shandong Province, the average net incomes per capita hit 3145 yuan, an increase of 6.5% over the previous year, which was the highest rate over the past five years.
  Nowadays, there are many governmental policies favoring peasants. However, to make them richer still, much more should be done in terms of agricultural development. Wang Zhiliang is director of the Popularization Station of Agricultural Technologies of Qingdao City. Under his leadership over the past several years, this station has promulgated a series of improved agricultural products, such as black wheat, corn for special use, and certain strain of sweet potato. He thinks that under current conditions, in order to increase total grain output and peasants’ incomes, the government should do three things: (1) strengthen the protections for cultivated land, thus creating a solid foundation for development; (2) apply scientific technologies to agriculture to promote the per unit area yield; and (3) promote the intensive processing of grain, so that its “value added” component can be enhanced.
  To further increase income, the “enterprise plus peasant household” model, which has heretofore been successfully carried out in some areas, is now being promulgated far and near. In accordance with this effective model, an enterprise sets its production volume in accordance with market demands, then adjusts its plantation volume in accordingly, and finally signs a plantation contract with peasant workers.
  In this way, the enterprise has a fixed plantation base and the peasants’ grain has an oriented market, which benefits both the enterprise and the peasants. In recent years, the grain products of the Popularization Station of Agricultural Technologies of Qingdao City have been sold according to the rubric of “united packaging, united quality standards, united brand” model, which has so far turned out good profits. Facts have confirmed that peasants following this model can increase their average household income from 3000 to 5000 yuan per year..
  Relocating surplus labor force from the countryside to other regions is also an important way to increase peasants’ incomes. Statistics reveal that in 2003 more than one million people of rural labor force throughout Shandong Province were transferred. As a result, more than 60% of the increased incomes of the peasants was created in this way, an important revenue resource for the peasants. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of secondary and tertiary industries in the countryside, the resources to increase the peasants’ incomes have also been expanded.
  In the anticipated goals concerning economic and social development in 2004, Shandong Province has declared that the net incomes of the peasants per capita will increase by 5% over the previous year. Centering on this goal, Shandong will continue to make every effort to adjust its agricultural and rural economic structures, develop quality agricultural products that can be exported, and popularize regional layout, professional cultivation, and standardized production. While continuing to accelerate the county-level agricultural economy, more importance will be attached to town-run enterprises and the secondary and tertiary industries in the rural villages. In this way, it is anticipated that the agricultural industrialization and construction of the township cities will be combined. Actual work will be done to lighten the burdens on peasants. Save for tobacco, all taxes on special agricultural products will be cancelled. Grain markets will be opened directly to peasant farmers to encourage their enthusiasm for grain plantation.
作为菏泽市的主要决策者,中共菏泽市委书记陈光对“突破菏泽”有着其他人所没有的特殊的感受。一个多月来,围绕这项决策,陈光开始勾画一个新的菏泽。他形容自己的感受是:压力异常之大,压得喘不过气来。“号角已经吹响,决战已经开始。菏泽已经没有退路,只有背水一战。”    菏泽最后的机遇      记者:你如何认识“突破菏泽”这项重大战略的意义?  陈光:“突破”说明难度大、困难多、决心大、意义大。站在
在威海,经济技术开发区是一个“亮点”。不仅经济指标一路攀升,而且保住了蓝天绿水,展现给市民的是一个花园式的城区。威海经济技术开发区管委会主任陈乐章说:“是我们找准了协调发展的路子。”   威海经济技术开发区1992年10月21日正式成立。短短10多年的时间,威海经济技术开发区闯出了一条“高起点运作,快节奏开发,创造性建设,跨越式发展”的路子,成为胶东半岛利用外资最多、经济运行质量最好、经济发展速度
黄衍是位成就卓著的国画家,尤其擅长画猫。猫一旦到了他的笔下就活了。  “猫可爱、机灵、乖巧,讨人喜欢。在我眼里,猫象征和平、温馨、安详。描绘它的神韵,也就是赞美生活、赞美改革开放带来的和平昌盛的社会环境,没有改革开放,就不会有人民的富足安康。这就是我画猫的主要原因。”说起画猫,黄衍有说不完的话。为了画好猫、画活猫,他静化心意、寄情于斯,每每整日在斗室中与所养群猫嬉戏或静观其生态习性,常常物我两忘,
2003年,乳山市创造了一个奇迹,全市招商引资实现“三个翻番”:合同利用外资、实际利用外资、实际到位内资均比2002年翻了一番以上,分别增长120%、113%和150%,创历史最高水平。事实上,近年来乳山经济发展曲线一直飙升。近5年乳山国内生产总值年均递增12.2%,地方财政收入年均递增26.3%,在全省县级的位次5年间前移了13位,跻身山东省20强。  是什么撬动了乳山经济超常规跳跃式发展?中共
鲁花,一个企业的菏泽之路     在菏泽定陶县城南边,一个现代化的大型厂房矗立着,这是由莱阳鲁花集团投资1.2亿元建成的山东鲁花菏泽分公司的所在地。在崭新的办公楼里,孙孟全深情地望着远方,在他目光所及之处,也就是几十米的距离,是全国的“大动脉”——京九铁路,厂区大门则紧贴着宽阔的省道——定砀(菏泽定陶到安徽砀山)公路。孙孟全是鲁花集团的董事长。   其
2004年是中超联赛的元年,也是中国足球最灰暗的一年:国家队和国奥队在冲击世界杯和奥运会的征程中先后折戟沉沙,女足在奥运会中0:8惨败……中国足球输得一塌糊涂。  就在这阴暗的足球大环境中,以橘红色为球衣基本色的鲁能泰山仿佛一团橘红色的火焰,给关心足球的中国人带来了冬天里的温暖,阳光、正气和充满活力的鲁能泰山用实实在在的“两冠一亚”,开创了自己的新纪元。    两冠一亚,风景这边独好    200
委内瑞拉共和国位于南美洲大陆北部, 面积 916700平方公里,人口 2022.6万人,首都加拉加斯。境内北部和西北部为安第斯山系。委内瑞拉除山地外,基本上属热带草原气候,气温因海拔高度不同而异,山地温和,平原炎热,年平均气温为26~28℃。  委内瑞拉古代为印第安人阿提瓦克族和加勒比族的居住地,1498年哥伦布第三次航行美洲时发现委内瑞拉。1567年沦为西班牙殖民地。1811年7月5日宣布独立。
“突破菏泽”取得实质性进展    2004年2月4日,中共山东省委、省政府在菏泽召开“突破菏泽,加快发展”的现场办公会,给菏泽送来了发展的春天。山东省一项落实科学发展观、促进全省经济协调快速发展的战略举措随之启动。  此次对菏泽的扶持规模之大、规格之高、力度之强,在菏泽的发展史上是空前的。山东省采取三大动作对菏泽实施新的战略扶持:继续推进东西联动、加强干部交流、促进劳动力转移。除此之外,现场办公会
山东省胶州市三里河遗址的发现是1961年。当时在山东大学历史系教书的刘敦愿先生看到了一幅古画,为高凤翰作品的摹本,画中一束鲜荷栽植在一件史前时期的陶里,其旁有一首小诗,其中两句为“田夫掘出说前朝,老夫拾来插瓶供”。陶是远古时代用作烧水或盛水的器具,造形似鸟。刘先生是山大考古专业的奠基人,对山东史前的历史和文物知根知底,画上的陶和题诗引起了他的思索: 高凤翰出身于胶州,病退后回原籍三里河故居生活,田
2005年,山东省外经外贸工作实现了突破性的发展,在国际经济中的地位明显提高。这是中共山东省委、省政府把外经外贸作为全省经济的“亮点”之一、带领全省大力发展外经外贸的结果。其中,山东省贸促会、山东国际商会发挥自身优势,积极为地方政府服务,为企业开展国际经贸服务,在招商引资、发展会展经济等方面做了大量卓有成效的工作,取得了骄人的成绩。为此,本刊记者专题采访了山东省副省长孙守璞。  《走向世界》:“十