师生关系同频共振 课堂教学相得益彰

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一、良好师生关系的构建需要教师具备的素养和能力1.扎实的专业功底。扎实的专业功底是满足学生爱好、激发学习兴趣、保证教学质量的前提,体现在“会”的运动项目多、运动水平高超、示范优美、规范,这是激发学生学习兴趣的催化剂,学生会在心里崇拜 First, the construction of a good relationship between teachers and students need teachers have the ability and ability 1. Solid professional foundation. A solid professional foundation is to satisfy the hobby of students, to stimulate interest in learning, to ensure the quality of teaching premise, reflected in the “will” and more sports, superb sportsmanship, beautiful model, norms, which is to stimulate student interest in learning a catalyst, student union Worship in the heart
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