On the Artistic Features of Ren Bonian's Figure Painting

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  Ren Bonian(1840-1896),formerly known as Ren Biao,a famous painter in the late Qing Dynasty.The first name is run,the word is far,the number is small,and later renamed,the word is the year.Do not be the mountain vaginal ascendant,Shou Dao Shi,etc.,in the word line,Zhejiang Shanyin people.Ren Bonian is a famous painter of modern China.His art comes from the folk,attaches importance to tradition,blends the strengths of hundreds of families,and absorbs the techniques of Western painting,forming his own novel and vivid personal style.He is a versatile painter with good mountains,water,flowers and birds.His figure painting breaks through the rigid layout and shape of traditional figure paintings,uses ink with pens,is rich and varied,has a new composition,has a prominent theme,is sparse and dense,is imaginary and real,has poetic and artistic meaning,and has achieved outstanding artistic achievements.His figures painted Xiao Yun from the early years,Chen Hongyu,Fei Danxu,Ren Xiong and others.The handed down works include "Three Friends Map","Zhong Ying Xiao Xiang","Portrait of Wu Changshuo" and so on.
  一、Exaggerated style
  The Chinese figure painting has always been influenced by Gu kaizhi's pursuit of the principle of "Describe God".The development of figure painting to modern times has already broken through the traditional modeling mode.The Shanghai painting scene in the late Qing Dynasty is more colorful.In this kind of environment,Ren Bonian's figure paintings still follow the creative principle of "shaping both the gods and the gods".He is deeply influenced by the family science and has deep traditional photo skills.On this basis,he boldly innovates and forms his own uniqueness.The style,his character painting creation characteristics are reflected in two aspects:First,the external form of the character shape is relatively close to the objective object,emphasizing on the basis of relative realism,striving to shape the character form and objective object,the painter's state of mind reaches the emotion One.Secondly,on the basis of the relatively accurate visual structure of the characters,the characters are boldly exaggerated and summarized.
  二、New composition
  In the works of masters of Chinese and Western paintings in the past,the composition of the pictures is diverse,and it is the indispensable and extremely important key to the paintings.He exerts the composition art to the fullest.In Ren Bonian's existing works,whether it is a small piece of work or a long masterpiece,the composition is all novel and natural,full of a strong sense of rhythm.In traditional figure paintings,this form of expression is rarely used.In various kinds of space,Ren Bonian has created many novelty,novelty,and composition.In the artistic conception and the image depiction of the characters,there are extraordinary points.Do not deliberately pursue,but also get rid of the rigid traditional way,depicting more refined in the expression of the subject.For example,"The Panasonic Gossip Chart",in which the character of the Coats is temperamental,is sitting in the middle of the mountain and feels the feelings and style of the scholars.The huge pine trees in the picture are just the sympathy of the lyrical,between the characters and the characters,between the characters and the environment,the scenes blend together and complement each other.   三、Light color
  The artistic characteristics of Ren Bonian's figure paintings are also reflected in the use of color.Ren Bonian's figure paintings are mainly ink painting in the early stage,with less color and simple color.Similarly,color is also based on tradition to innovate.His early works are like "Mrs.Pei Qiu".The middle-aged works are based on the boneless,and boldly draw on the Western method of color.For example,the "Li Guangshi Stone Map" is full of meteorites as the basic color,the character belt and the heel of the boots.Some details are reminded with a cyan.At the same time,the belt part is made of ochre and ink to form a brown color,and the whole picture is rich and harmonious.He is good at applying color on various materials and paper colors,not taking natural meaning,but paying more attention to its decorative meaning.Thereby highlighting the decorative beauty of the picture.
  四、Simple lines
  Ren Bonian used a pen to be delicate and slender,with a strong turning point and a strong pull.Ren Bonian blended the strengths of each family and transformed them according to natural observation and life experience,and formed a unique personal style.For example,Ren Bonian's figure is processed by Chen Hongjun,and the combination of light ink and thick ink has a sense of light and dark perspective.Rhythmic and decorative.The characters of Ren Bonian's later years are more bold,old-fashioned,rich in turning,and smooth and concise,but still rigorous and orderly.At the same time,he also developed a "set of pens",which are twisted and twisted with a pen,and a set of strokes,constantly growing,continuous.Although it was due to Chen Hongyu,it was powerful with the pen,and the pen was walking away from the dragon snake,and the lines were bright.
  In summary,Ren Bonian's figures are beautiful and bright,and as natural as he said,"the first flowers of Qihua,the snow is full of snow." The strength of each family,Shen Xiong,is really prosperous.Unique in Shanghai.Flashing in the 19th century paintings.
  [1]Sun Shuqin,figure painting and art theory Ren Bonian Oriental Publishing Center 2010.12
  [2] Chen Lianqi,Chinese painting master classic series ?Ren Bonian 2011.4
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