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  Analysis of the Contrasts In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
   ⅠThe contrast of soul and heart between the black people and the white people
   A. The attitude and love that Huckleberry Finn get from his white drunk father and black kind Jim
   B. Kindhearted friendly Jim and greedy, cruel, trickish Duke and King
   C. The family struggle of Grangerfords and Shepherdsons in contrast to the freedom given by Miss Watson
  Ⅱ The contrast between Huckleberry Finn’s school education and social education.
  A. The difference betweenschool lifeand adventures on rafts
  B. The inner moral struggle between Huckleberry Finn’s affection for Jim and the laws of the society
  C. The distinction between racism and slavery society and Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn’s antislavery spirit
  Ⅲ The contrast of alternate settings between the Mississippi River and the civilized town, the rafts and the land
  A. The peaceful, quiet, free river and the civilized, cruel, autocrat town
  B. The rafts and the land
  摘要 马克吐温,真名塞缪尔.朗荷恩.克列门斯,是那个时候最著名的人物之一。他受到各地人民的尊敬爱戴。他给千千万万的人带来了欢笑,但是他的哀愁与他的幽默一样深沉。威廉.福克纳曾经写道:“马克吐温是第一个美国的真正作家,我们都是他的继承者。” 马克吐温写下了许多著名的小说,其中最著名的是他的代表作<哈克贝里费恩历险记〉。他把自然流露的幽默和经过深思熟虑的材料融为一体,从而直接抨击了南方存在的传统。哈克贝里费恩是书中的主角,故事正是通过他的眼睛展现和批评了南方的是是非非。他的同伴是一个叫吉姆的逃亡奴隶,他们在密西西比河上逃亡的途中,吉姆保护和照顾哈克,两人结下了深厚的友情。故事的主题在各种对比中呈现出来。本论文从不同的角度分析对比的方法。它包括三部分:第一章分析了人性的对比,尤其是黑人和白人的差别。第二章阐述了哈克在学校和社会中受到的截然不同的教育。第三章旨在探究河流和城镇,这两种具有象征意义的对比。
  关键词 文明 逃跑 反奴隶制 自由
  Chapter1 The Contrast of Souls and Hearts between the Black and the White, between the White and the White Mark Twain’s contributions to the development of realism and to American literature as a whole is partly through his theories of localism on American fiction. And he preferred to represent social life through portraits of local placed which he know best. In deed, he started off as a teller of tall tales and local colorist. He felt that a novelist must not try to generalize about a nation. The characteristics of realism are more obvious in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Though Mark Twain wrote it two decades after the Emancipation Proclamation and the end of the Civil War, America—and specially the South—was still struggling with racism and the aftereffects of slavery. So this novel, through the main story—Huckleberry Finn runs away and travels down the Mississippi River on a raft with a runaway slave, Jim, as his companion—shows the conflict between slavery and antislavery. In the slavery society, the white enslave and oppress the black people. For example, [between Huck and a Wilkes girl]“ How is servants treated in England? Do they treat them better than we treat our niggers?” “No! A servant ain’t nobody there. They treat them worse than dogs.” “Don’t they give them holidays, the way we do, Christmas and New Year’s Week, and the Fourth of July?” Furthermore, the white and the black sometimes have totally different souls and hearts: the former are cruel, hypocritical, indifferent while the later are kind, honest and warmhearted.
  ChapterⅡ The Contrast of Huckleberry Finn's Education between in School and in Society. The primary theme of the novel is the conflict between civilization and natural life. Huck represents natural life through his free spirit, his uncivilized ways, and his desire to escape from civilization. He is brought up without any rules and has a strong resistance to anything that might "civilize" him. This conflict is introduced in the first chapter through the efforts of Widow Douglas: she tries to force Huck to wear new clothes, give up smoking, and to learn the Bible. Through the novel, Mark Twain seems to suggest the ideas that uncivilized way of life is better and civilization corrupts rather than improves human beings. The food is one that occurs in many parts of the novel. It is based on the fact that Huck grows up fighting for food with pigs, eating our of "a barrel of odds and ends." Thus whenever there is mentioned of food, it is a sign that Huck has someone to take care of him. For example, in the first chapter it is Douglas who feeds Huck. Later Jim, who takes care of Huck on Jackson’s Island, replaces her. Staying with Jim, Huck is puzzled by the conflict that whether he should help Jim escape from enslavement (then he will go to the hell) or reveal Jim's track under the social atmosphere of slavery and racism. Finally, he decides to set Jim free because he has developed and received moral education in society. Huck's youth is an important factor in his moral education over the course of the novel, for we sense that only a child is open-minded enough to undergo the kind of development that Huck does. Since Huck and Tom are youth, their age lends a sense of play to their actions, which excuses them in certain ways and also deepens the novel's commentary on slavery and society. Ironically, Huck often knows better than the adults around him, even though he has lacked the guidance that a proper family and community should have offered him. Mark Twain also frequently draws links between Huck's youth and Jim's status as a black man: both are vulnerable, yet Huck, because he is white, has power over Jim. And on a different level, the silliness, pure joy, and naïveté of childhood give Huckleberry Finn a sense of fun and humor. Through its themes are quite weighty, the novel itself feels light in tone and is an enjoyable read because of this rambunctious childhood excitement that enlivens the story. The theme of money is threaded through the novel and is used to highlight the disparity between the rich and the poor. Mark Twain purposely begins the novel by pointing out that Huck has over six thousand dollars to his name; this sum of money dwarfs all the other sums and makes them seem inconsequential by contrast. It is also within this context that Huck is able to show such a relaxed attitude towards wealth. Having so much money, he does not view money as a necessity. In addition, Huck’s upbringing on the land has made him independent enough that he views money as a luxury. Huck’s views on money are meant to contrast with Jim’s views. Jim sees money as equivalent to freedom; with money he can buy his freedom and that of his family. Money also would allow him to live like a white person, thus raising his status in the society. Thus, throughout the novel Jim constantly tries to get money whereas Huck takes an apathetic attitude towards the subject. So whether Huck’s childhood, money, or food has significant effect on his moral education and development.
作为一个学校的校长、法人代表,理应担负起学校的各项职责,带领全体教工为学校的发展作不懈的努力。不仅应该在学校决策决定方面做出果断正确的判断,而且应该意识到学校的基本职能是教书育人,所以更应该仅仅抓住国家教育部的各项教育方针,并且将其贯彻到到平时的教学中。对于做好学校的校务工作,笔者通过对自己的经验总结,得出如下结论,共广大同行参考。    一、深刻理解和认识学校的决策,做出正确的决策判断    学
在初中英语课教学上,教师欲取得良好的教学效果,不仅要上好每节课,而且要求学习者积极对待英语课业,自觉进行各种言语练习。有必要深入地了解学习者的心理活动,力图帮助学生对英语学习保持积极的心理状态。为此,教师应当考虑到这样几个方面:    一、引导学习者的注意,培养学习兴趣    掌握课堂,首先强调的是掌握学生的注意力。注意可分为不随意注意、随意注意和后随意注意三种。  不随意注意是在没有自觉意图、不
内容摘要:信息技术课教学中,由于教材里有关技术方面的内容远多于信息获取、传输、处理、分析、应用的内容,再加上教学过程中频频接触计算机软硬件,占据了这门课程的绝大多数时间;同时,具有指挥棒作用的信息技术会考中的题目也侧重于考核学生的软硬件操作的熟练程序,这就很容易让师生片面认为信息技术教育就是学习计算机软硬件知识和操作,这就背离了信息技术课真正的教学目标,走进了唯技术论的误区。  关键词:信息技术
我们总喜欢把作文教学的痛苦和困惑,把老师怕教,学生怕写的尴尬,统统归罪于应试,直接把矛头指向高考和中考。其实,这是认识上的一种误区,我们不能把二者完全对立起来,而是应该在教学过程中贯彻快乐作文的理念,从情感态度和价值观方面,作深入细致的反思。    一、自主是快乐作文的第一步    自主性首先体现在写作时间和作文形式的自由。限时限量的作文训练会使每个人感到畏惧,因为每个人的写作冲动不是恒定不变的,
内容摘要:当今,全世界都在改革音乐教学。2!世纪的人才观,对提出了更高的要求。突出中学音乐教学的审美是我国教改的要求,是素质的需要,是贯彻党的方针,培养学生全面发展的需要。为此,我们必须予以高度重视。  关键词:中学音乐 教学 审美  如何突出审美呢?笔者认为应从下面五个方面进行操作:    一、加强音乐欣赏    音乐是听觉的艺术,情感的体验,我们的教学目的就是要训练学习听音乐的能力。音乐欣赏是
开放式,《现代汉语词典》这样解释:开放,即解放禁锢、限制、封锁等。借用一个哲学名词,叫做“实事求是”。放开自己的心扉容百川之水,这就是开放式。  传统教学最大的弊端就在于学习主体没有自主选择的权利,没有思考的时间保证。这种教学见分不见人,以工程的眼光看待教学,用工程的方法设计、评价教学。所谓“工程”,即事先设计好“图纸”,工程师据此施工,不敢随意变动。教学的“图纸”就是大纲、教材、死板的教学程式、
内容摘要:在物理教学中,习题课是必不可少的一种课型,它贯穿于整个物理教学的始终.本文介绍初中物理习题课的教学从基础知识着手,精选习题,进行优化组合,以“一题多解”、“一题多变”的方法,提高学生思维素质,把学生从题海中解放出来的教学方法及体会.  关键词:精选习题 指点 引路    在物理教学中,习题课是必不可少的一种课型,它贯穿于整个物理教学的始终。本文谈谈笔者在习题课教学中采用的教学方法及体会。