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孔门弟子,几都背了孔子精神的。孔子传道授业,皆述而不作,您说孔子自费公费出过甚书?后世孔家弟子,只要在码字,只要在解惑,没有不想坐一台轿、娶一房小、刻一部稿的(最低理想),黄侃或是例外,也只说三十不发文,五十不著书(五十后,怕要火扯火地著述了)。只是著书是蛮难的,码字百万,字字珠玑,就能出书么?只好自费,堪羞。自费堪羞?不堪羞。莫说易中天如今如日中天,据说当年也是自费一本小书,摆摊街头的;莫说易中天,鲁迅先生大著不也自费 Confucian disciple, a few are back Confucius spirit. Confucius preach jobs, are described but not for, you said that Confucius had a very open book at their own expense? Later Confucius disciples, as long as the code word, as long as the doubts, did not want to sit a sedan, marry a small room, carved a draft (The lowest ideal), Huang Kan or the exception, but also said thirty do not send a document, fifty no book (fifty, afraid to fire the fire was written). Just a book is very difficult, millions of words, each word Abacus, you can book? Have to own expense, shy. Shame at your own expense? Not to say that Ezekiel is now flourishing, it is said that at that time is also a small book at his own expense, street stalls; not easy to transit, Mr. Lu Xun big not at their own expense
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经常换头像的人都长得好看,追求完美;经常换签名的人都非常感性,有很多感悟;经常换昵称的人都非常自信,想博人眼球;这三种都经常换的人——那是欠了很多债 Often people who
1.现状 我市农用拖拉机及驾驶员的监督管理工作从1990年公安部门委托农机部门后,重新换发了全国统一的牌证照。从表中看出,拖拉机的检验率和驾驶员的审验率有了进一步的恢复
一、Ⅱ号喷油泵柱塞弹簧的代用 Ⅱ号喷油泵柱塞弹簧,在使用中断裂。如果一时缺少配件,可用1105型柴油机的调速器弹簧代替,因为这两种弹簧的参数相近。我队有3台拖拉机换用这
在我眼里,琼斯太太不再是一个苛刻的雇主,而是一个能让我把工作干得更好的指导老师。 In my opinion, Mrs. Jones is no longer a demanding employer, but a tutor who can
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