
来源 :中小学电教(下) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jners08
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《纲要》指出:“幼儿的科学教育是科学启蒙教育,重在激发幼儿的认识兴趣和探究欲望,要尽量创造条件让幼儿实际参加探究活动,使他们感觉科学探究的过程和方法,体验发现兴趣。”科学世界,奇妙无穷,尤其对充满好奇心和求知欲的幼儿更具有吸引力。但由于幼儿的年龄小,知识面窄,对很多充满奇幻的科学现象和自然变化不易理解。网络资源教学以其特有的科学性和形象性,显示出独特的魅力,对优化幼儿园教学过程,提高教学质量有一定的促进作用。 The “Outline” states: “Science education for young children is a scientific enlightenment education, focusing on stimulating children’s cognitive interest and desire to explore, as far as possible to create the conditions for young children to actually engage in inquiry activities, so that they feel the process of scientific inquiry and methods of experience discovery Interest. ”The scientific world is fantastic, especially appealing to curiosity and curiosity. However, due to their young age and narrow knowledge, young children are not easy to understand because of many fantastic scientific phenomena and natural changes. Network resources teaching with its unique science and image, showing a unique charm, to optimize kindergarten teaching process, improve teaching quality has a certain role in promoting.
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发动机在运行过程中,经常发生熄火停车的现象,其原因和对策是什么呢? 一、供油系统的原因有燃油用完,或燃油内有水;油路系统进入空气,燃油滤清器堵塞,或者输油泵发生故障;喷
你相信了你编写的童话  自己就成了童话中幽蓝的花  你的眼睛省略过  病树、颓墙  锈崩的铁栅  只凭一个简单的信号  集合起星星、紫云英和蝈蝈的队伍  向没有被污染的远方  出发  心也許很小很小  世界却很大很大  于是,人们相信了你  相信了雨后的塔松  有千万颗小太阳悬挂  桑椹、钓鱼竿弯弯绷住河面  云儿缠住风筝的尾巴  无数被摇撼的记忆  抖落岁月的尘沙  以纯银一样的声音  和你的梦
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