Designing CALL Tasks for College English Learners

来源 :语言与文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:minglancao002
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As CALL(Computer Assisted Language Learning) became a new trend among China’s college English learners nowadays,it is time that teachers reflected on their teaching methodology innovation with the new technological advancement,one part of it is writing CALL tasks for their own individual classes.This paper presents a few basic principles and rationales of designing such tasks,and hope to work as a reminder for task writers.These principles and rationales include how to realize CLT(communicative language teaching) and learner-centredness and foster learner autonomy.In order to achieve this,it is reminded that task writers pay attention to a few points,like the communicativeness,contextualization,authenticity,and relatedness in task writing. Aspects of syllabus design,choice of texts,contents of activities and tasks and sequencing are put under investigation. As CALL(Computer Assisted Language Learning) became a new trend among China’s college English learners nowadays, it is time that teachers reflected on their teaching methodology innovation with the new technological advancement, one part of it is writing CALL tasks for their own individual classes. This paper presents a few basic principles and rationales of designing such tasks,and hope to work as a reminder for task writers.The principles and rationales include how to realize CLT(communicative language teaching) and learner-centredness and foster learner autonomy.In order To achieve this, it is reminded that task writers pay attention to a few points,like the communicativeness,contextualization,authenticity,and relatedness in task writing. Aspects of syllabus design,choice of texts,contents of activities and tasks and sequencing are put under Investigation.
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