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凡高的个展今年2月在洛杉矶美术馆开幕,两年前,消息就放出来了,惹得许多人“翘首以待”。等待是一种能量,而且和时间成正比,积蓄了两年的等待,能量是惊人的。等到那个红头发的荷兰疯子终于姗姗地来了,洛杉矶美术馆坐落的那条街面上人头汹涌,汽车淤塞。不知就里的人经过,以为洛杉矶再度发生暴乱。买当场票是免谈,就是事先订好的票,并且在指定时间去,也得排上个把小时的队,在洛杉矶著名的骄阳下先尝一番暴晒滋味。终于盼到进馆,观众身挨着身,被身穿制服腰束宽皮带的警卫拦羊一样,拦在一道警戒线外,逶迤挪动,管你是谁。当然,这点小麻烦,比起我们马上就要瞻仰的那位伟人有生之年忍受的身心孤苦,实在不能算什么,—切牺牲献在凡高这座祭坛前都不会过分。等终于挨进馆去,方知道两年里积蓄的能量和最后在门口的冲刺阶 Van Gogh’s solo exhibition opened in Los Angeles in February this year, two years ago, the news was released, prompting many people “waiting”. Waiting is an energy, and is proportional to the time, savings of two years of waiting, the energy is amazing. Wait until the red-haired Dutchman finally came slowly, Los Angeles Museum of Art is located in the streets where the head of the turbulent, blocked cars. I do not know where people go by, thinking that there will be a riot in Los Angeles. Buy tickets on the spot is free to talk about, is set in advance of the ticket, and at the designated time to go, also had the last hours of the team, under the famous sun in Los Angeles to taste some exposure to the sun. Finally looking forward to enter the museum, the audience body next to the body, was wearing a uniform waist belt wide belt guard stopped sheep, stopped at a cordon, wandering around, in charge of who you are. Of course, this little trouble can not be considered more than the physical and mental endurance for the life of the great man whom we are about to look forward to - no sacrifice must be made before the altar of Van Gogh. Wait until finally entered the museum to know the energy savings in two years and finally the sprint level at the door
近几年来,纪实摄影取得了十分喜人的成绩,它不仅在实践上拓展了摄影创作的题材范围,而且也为我国摄影理论研究提供了极为丰富的探索性资源。 我们知道,摄影这门被中国人称之
前言在各种遥信(如遥控、遥调、遥测等)系统中,一个总机需要管理若干分机。这时,为了节省电缆(特别是当总机、分机位置为线状分布时,如铁路和公路 Preface In a variety of