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作为国务院指定的对口扶贫地区,青岛与贵州铜仁地区的友谊可以追溯到上个世纪九十年代。多年来,在优势互补和互利互惠方针指引下,青岛与铜仁的合作不断加深,正日益呈现出勃勃的发展生机。也正是由此,青岛与铜仁的合作关系现已成为对口支援的典范。近日,铜仁地委书记杨玉学率考察团来到青岛,在学习考察的基础上,杨玉学书记还带来了包括能源交通城建、存量资产开发、矿产资源开发、农产品种养加工等100余项对青岛企业的招商项目。青岛市副市长于冲表示,青岛要借西部大开发的契机,加大青岛企业走出去的力度,今年8月将组织青岛各类型企业赴铜仁考察。借此机会,记者专门就铜仁与青岛的对口合作情况,铜仁地区的资源状况,招商引资的需求情况等专访了杨玉学。记者:通过对口支援,使许多的青岛人知道了铜仁,作为铜仁地委书记,你又是怎样看待青岛的对口支持,成果怎样?杨玉学:青岛对铜仁的对口帮助,是中央和国务院“八七”扶贫攻坚的重要举措之一。经过多年的努力,青岛对铜仁的帮扶已上升到合作开发以及经济合作阶段,在东部几个帮 As a designated poverty alleviation area under the State Council, the friendship between Qingdao and the Tongren area of ​​Guizhou can be traced back to the 1990s. Over the years, with the guidance of the principle of complementarity and mutual benefits, the cooperation between Qingdao and Tongren has been deepening and it is increasingly showing its vitality for development. It is precisely because of this that the cooperative relationship between Qingdao and Tongren has now become a model for counterpart assistance. Recently, Tongren prefectural Party committee secretary Yang Yu-school delegation came to Qingdao on the basis of study and inspection, Yang Yu Xue secretary also brought, including energy and transportation urban construction, the development of stock assets, mineral resources development, planting and breeding of agricultural products more than 100 items of Qingdao Business investment projects. Yu Chong, deputy mayor of Qingdao City, said Qingdao would like to take advantage of the great development of the western region and increase the efforts of Qingdao enterprises to go global. In August this year, Qingdao will organize all types of enterprises in Qingdao to visit Tongren. Taking this opportunity, the reporter specifically interviewed Yang Yu-xue on the counterpart cooperation between Tongren and Qingdao, the resource status of Tongren, and the demand for investment promotion. Reporter: Through the support of the counterparts, many people in Qingdao know Tongren. As Tongren prefectural party secretary, how do you think about the counterpart support in Qingdao? Yang Yu Xue: The assistance of Qingdao to Tongren is the support given by the Central Government and the State Council Seven "one of the important measures to tackle poverty. After years of hard work, the help of Tongren in Qingdao has risen to the stage of cooperation and development and economic cooperation. In the eastern part,
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