Performance Comparison of AVS and H.264/AVC Video Coding Standards

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yisimple
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A new audio and video compression standard of China, known as advanced Audio Video coding Standard (AVS),is emerging. This standard provides a technical solution for many applications within the information industry such as digital broadcast, high-density laser-digital storage media, and so on. The basic part of AVS, AVS1-P2, targets standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD) format video compression, and aims to achieve similar coding efficiency as H.264/AVC but with lower computational complexity. In this paper, we first briefly describe the major coding tools in AVS1-P2, and then perform the coding efficiency comparison between AVS1-P2 Jizhun profile and H.264/AVC main profile. The experimental results show that the AVS1-P2 Jizhun profile has an average of 2.96% efficiency loss relative to H.264/AVC main profile in terms of bit-rate saving on HD progressive-scan sequences, and an average of 28.52% coding loss on interlace-scan sequences.Nevertheless, AVS1-P2 possesses a valuable feature of lower computational complexity.
The AVS Workgroup has developed an IPR Policy to facilitate the adoption of standards in the marketplace.The policy is based on consideration of IPR issues in p
摘要:贯彻生本教育“一切为了学生,高度尊重学生,全面依靠学生”的教学理念,可以让学生亲身参与并体验新知生成的全过程,让生命的价值得以体现,让美术的学习充满成功的快乐。  关键词:生本教育;快乐学习;美术教学  中图分类号:G633.955 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2018)02-0052  为了实现小学美术教学的有效性,我们在美术课堂中贯彻生本教育的理念,把学习的自主权最大限
数学是人们生活、学习和劳动必不可少的工具,能够帮助我们处理数据,进行计算、推理和证明,提高我们的逻辑思维能力.数学的发展伴随着人类认识世界的整个过程,人类对自然规律的认识所取得的每一次进步,都伴随着数学的影子.  作为中职数学教育工作者,在数学过程中,要更多地考虑学生如何能更好地将所学数学知识应用到工作中.随着高校和中职的不断扩招,学生组成结构发生了较大的变化.以往传统的中职数学教育方式,对于培养