Surface modification of up-conversion luminescence material Na[Y_(0.57)Yb_(0.39)Er_(0.04)]F_4 with h

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:learner1
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A new method was reported for surface modification of an up-conversion luminescence material with hydrosulfide group. The factors that may influence the surface modification,such as reaction time,amount of catalyzer and modifier,and reaction solvent,were investigated. The optimal conditions were that the reaction time,the quantity of the basic catalyzer,the quantity of modifier and the volume of reaction solvent were 40 min,1.0,1.0,and 40 mL,respectively. The results indicated that hydrosulfide group content modified on the surface of up-conversion luminescence material reached to 0.1430 mmol/g,and this modified up-conversion lumi-nescence material could be widely used in the study of structure of protein and the property of microenvironment. A new method was reported for surface modification of an up-conversion luminescence material with hydrosulfide group. The factors that may influence the surface modification, such as reaction time, amount of catalyzer and modifier, and reaction solvent, were investigated. that the reaction time, the quantity of the basic catalyzer, the quantity of modifier and the volume of reaction solvent were 40 min, 1.0, 1.0, and 40 mL, respectively. The results indicates that hydrosulfide group content modified on the surface of up- conversion luminescence material reached to 0.1430 mmol / g, and this modified up-conversion lumi-nescence material could be widely used in the study of structure of protein and the property of microenvironment.
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