HPLC analysis of camptothecin content in various parts of Nothapodytes foetida collected on differen

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjfayy
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Objective:To investigate the content of topoisomerase I-DNA inhibitor alkaloid camptothecin(CPT) from various parts of Nothapodytes foetida(N.foetida) collected from the month of October to February.Methods:The content of CPT was quantified in the methanolic extract of various parts of N.foetida using high performance liquid chromatography(UPLC).Quantification was performed with the regression analysis and the method was validated as per ICH guidelines. Results:The results revealed that maximum concentrations of camptothecin were found in root(2.62%) collected in the month of February followed by fruits(January,1.22%),stem(January,0.81%) and leaves(February,0.70%).Roots were found to have 3-fold higher concentration of CPT than the leaves and stem,while the fruits showed 2-fold higher concentration.Maximum concentration of camptothecin in fruits was observed in month of January,when they were not fully mature, which was 2-fold higher than that of young and fully mature fruits.Conclusions:These findings indicate that the synthesis of CPT differs in different parts of N.foetida and the content varies periodically. Objective: To investigate the content of topoisomerase I-DNA inhibitor alkaloid camptothecin (CPT) from various parts of Nothapodytes foetida (N. foetida) collected from the month of October to February. Methods: The content of CPT was quantified in the methanolic extract of various parts of N. foetida using high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). Quantification was performed with the regression analysis and the method was validated as per ICH guidelines. Results: The results revealed that maximum concentrations of camptothecin were found in root (2.62%) collected in the month of February followed by fruits (January, 1.22%), stem (January, 0.81%) and leaves (February, 0.70%). Roots were found to have 3-fold higher concentration of CPT than the leaves and stem, while the fruits showed 2-fold higher concentration. Maximum concentration of camptothecin in fruits was observed in month of January, when they were not fully mature, which was 2-fold higher than that of young and fully mature fruits. Confluence ns: These findings indicate that the synthesis of CPT vary in different parts of N. foetida and the content soon periodically.
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