Design and validation of high speed true random number generators based on prime-length ring oscilla

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwt159
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This paper presents a wide supply voltage range, high speed true random number generator(TRNG) based on ring oscillators, which have different prime number of inverters. And a simple Von Neumann corrector as post processing is also realized to improve data randomness. Prototypes have been implemented and fabricated in 0.18 μm complementary metal oxide semiconductor(CMOS) technology with a wide range of supply voltage from 1.8 V to 3.6 V. The circuit occupies 4 500 μm2, and dissipates minimum 160 μW of power with sampling frequency of 20 MHz. Output bit rate range is from 100 kbit/s to 20 Mbit/s. Statistical test results, which were achieved from the die Hard battery of tests, demonstrate that output random numbers have a well characteristic of randomness. This paper presents a wide supply voltage range, high speed true random number generator (TRNG) based on ring oscillators, which have different prime number of inverters. And a simple Von Neumann corrector as post processing is also realized to improve data randomness. Prototypes have has been implemented and fabricated in a 0.18 μm complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology with a wide range of supply voltages from 1.8 V to 3.6 V. The circuit occupies 4 500 μm2 and dissipates minimum 160 μW of power with sampling frequency of 20 MHz. Statistical test results, which were achieved from the die Hard battery of tests, demonstrate that output random numbers have a well characteristic of randomness.
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