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我是长期患有神经官能症的患者,症状有时表现幻视、幻听、头痛、头晕、症状有、失眠、腰痛、脚底板痛等。尤其白天说话多了,晚上不能入寝,浑身沁透虚汗。一九七○年,我曾到津市‘韶山医院’经中医、西医、医治无效。后转津市‘一中心医院,,又经中医、西医、针灸、胸腔科直接注射封闭。但是,顽抗的病魔没有投降,它象魔术师似的在我穴位上表演。赫赫有名的市级医院也不能治愈,我的思想产生了内疚,然而,我患的是不治之症‘慢性病’,从那时起我禁忌一切药物,带病坚持工作。病魔折磨得我精神非常痛苦,对工作、学习、生活影响极大。去年我买了一本《达摩秘功》, I am a long-term patient with neurosis. The symptoms are sometimes visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, headache, dizziness, symptoms, insomnia, back pain, and so on. In particular, talk more during the day, at night can not sleep, covered with sweat. In 1970, I went to Shaoshan Hospital of Tsu City and passed the traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine treatment. After the revolving city ’a central hospital, but also by Chinese medicine, Western medicine, acupuncture, thoracic injection directly closed. However, the stubbornness of the disease did not surrender; it acted like a magician on my acupuncture points. The famous municipal hospital can not be cured. My thoughts are guilty. However, I am suffering from an incurable chronic disease. From then on, I contradicted all drugs and persisted in my work. I was tortured to the spirit of the pain is very painful, great impact on work, study, life. Last year I bought a “Dharma Secret”
饮水硬度与健康,尤其是与心血管系统疾病的关系,是目前国内外人们普遍关心的一个问题。我市于1983年9月对我地区饮用软水的丰南县杨贵庄村和饮用中硬水的迁西县 Drinking w
一、西葫芦西葫芦各地田园均有栽培,药用部分是西葫芦。其味甘性凉,消炎利尿,用于有热象的水肿胀满,小便不利,肾炎浮肿,热咳,喘哮。 1、治水肿病(肾脏炎):西葫芦一个(以开花