同“舟”共济 开启更宏伟的旅程——“第八届海峡两岸纺织业合作研讨会”台湾纪行

来源 :纺织服装周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chnlaozhang
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12月2日,包括中国纺织工业协会领导、大陆知名企业家以及中国纺织工业协会会刊《纺织服装周刊》、《中国纺织》记者在内的大陆代表团一行19人,赴台北参加了第八届海峡两岸纺织业合作研讨会,与台湾百余名业界同仁共话两岸合作与时势应对。本届研讨会可谓在“喜忧参半”的情势下召开——喜的是,两岸三通即将变为现实,两岸两会达成的四项协议令两岸纺织业的合作受到巨大鼓舞,也使本次会谈更加热烈;忧的是,金融危机席卷全球,两岸业者无不经受严峻考验,必须思谋出路与对策。在此特殊背景下,海峡两岸纺织业的互补合作与亲情互动对于两岸具有更大的现实意义和战略意义。两岸业者短短数日的相聚,充满了两岸同根、血脉相连的感人情谊,更描画出两岸携手、共创辉煌的现实图景。 On December 2, 19 mainland delegations including leaders of China National Textile and Apparel Council, well-known mainland entrepreneurs and the magazine Textile and Apparel Weekly and China Textile reporter of China Textile Industry Association attended the eighth At the cross-Strait textile cooperation seminar, I talked with more than 100 industry colleagues in Taiwan on cross-Strait cooperation and the current situation. This symposium can be described as holding a “mixed” situation - the joy is that the three direct links between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait will soon become a reality. The four agreements reached by the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the Mainland will be greatly encouraged by the cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in this regard. The talks are even more lively. The worry is that the financial crisis has swept the world and all practitioners in both sides of the strait have to undergo a rigorous test and must find ways and solutions. In this special context, the mutual cooperation and interaction between the two sides of the strait textile industry has greater practical significance and strategic significance for both sides. The cross-Strait industry practitioners gathered for a few days in just a few days, full of touching feelings of friendship and connection between the two sides of the Strait, and even portrayed the reality of cross-Strait hand in hand to create brilliant.
三、对买方违约的救济方法 在国际货物买卖合同中,买方的基本义务就是要按合同的规定受领货物和支付货款。而买方违约不履行合同义务,往往表现在不按合同规定履行上述两项基
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一、我国外贸代理制实践及存在的问题 (一)我国外贸代理制的实践 我国外贸代理在外贸经营中所占比重很小,据外经贸部材料,一般代理出口只占一个地区或一个公司出口总值的5%以
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