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著名国画大师关山月,享年89岁。关老之所以能够长寿,在于他平时有一套完善的养生之道,简称为“四勤”。腿勤。众所周知,关山月是“岭南画派”的传人,擅长山水和花鸟,悬挂在北京人民大会堂的巨幅国画《江山如此多娇》便是他的作品之一。为了画好山水和花鸟,关山月经常翻山越岭,长途跋涉深入到全国各地 Famous Chinese painting master Guanshan month, at the age of 89. The reason why the elderly can be longevity, is that he usually has a sound health regimen, referred to as “Four Ground ”. Leg ground. As we all know, Guan Shan is the “Lingnan School” successor, good at landscapes and flowers and birds, hanging in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People’s Republic of China “Jiangshanduojiaojiao” is one of his works. In order to draw a good landscape and flowers and birds, Guan Shan often over the mountains, trek deep into all parts of the country
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