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1987年9月,联邦德国新闻界揭露出一件选举丑闻,矛头直指当时的石荷州总理巴舍尔。这象投进联邦德国政治生活中的一颗炸弹,顿时舆论哗然。巴舍尔何许人也?联邦德国政治生活中的一颗新星。他属于联邦德国最大的执政党基督教民主联盟,是联邦总理科尔的追随者,36岁就成为联邦德国最年轻的州总理,并立志将来要当联邦总理。在即将举行的州选中,巴舍尔是基督教民主联盟全力支持的、最有希望获胜的候选人。可是,就在选民即将投票的前夕,《明镜》周刊9月13日发表长篇报道和封面照片,揭露巴舍尔在竞 September 1987, the Federal Republic of Germany press revealed an election scandal, spearheading the then Prime Minister of Basch in Stonehenge. This is like a bomb thrown into the political life of the Federal Republic of Germany, suddenly public outcry. Who else is Bascher? A new star in the political life of the Federal Republic of Germany. He belonged to the Union of Christian Democrats, the largest ruling party in the Federal Republic of Germany, a follower of the Federal Chancellor Kohl, 36 and became the youngest state premier of the Federal Republic of Germany and determined to become the Federal Chancellor in the future. Among the upcoming state elections, Bashar is the most hopefully successful candidate to be supported by the Alliance of Christian Democrats. However, on the eve of the upcoming balloting of voters, Der Spiegel published a long story and cover photo on Sept. 13 exposing Batsir’s bidding
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