Evaluation on the Effectiveness and Feasibility of Integrating STI/HIV Counseling with Existing Fa

来源 :Reproduction & Contraception | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanjolly
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Objective To assess the impact of pamphlet distribution and counseling on STI/HIV/condom knowledge, attitudes towards STI/AIDS patients and condom use intention of married couples in Shanghai and explore the effective way of integrating STI/HIV prevention with family planning services. Methods Four hundred and five married women aged 20~39 and their husbands were recruited from 14 family planning stations at 7 administrative districts of Shanghai. They were randomly divided into two groups, the counseling intervention (CI) group with 199 couples and the pamphlet distribution (PD) group with 206 couples. For the PD group, only pamphlets containing information on STI/AIDS/ condom were distributed and condoms given free of charge, whereas for the CI group, they were provided with not only full counseling on STI/AIDS/condom and free condoms, but also followed by demonstration of correct condom use. The two modes of interventions were conducted following the baseline survey, and the follow up data were collected one month later. Results 1. There was no statistical difference between the two groups on STI/AIDS/condom knowledge level, attitudes towards STI/AIDS patients and condom use intention at the baseline. 2. The follow up findings indicated that: ① A significant enhancement in knowledge level was observed in the CI group, with 20% increase for husbands and 24% for wives. While for the PD group, only slight increase was observed: 2% for husbands and 3% for wives; ② 93% husbands and 76% wives of the CI group changed their discriminatory attitudes towards STI patients, and towards AIDS patients, the percentages were 73% and 78%, respectively; ③ 68% husbands and 64% wives of the CI group expressed their intention for condom use; ④ For the PD group, however, there was no difference in attitudes towards STI/AIDS patients and condom use intention at the baseline and follow up. 3. The knowledge scores and attitudes towards STI/AIDS patients were mainly influenced by the means of intervention. While the intention of condom use was influenced not only by means of intervention but also by condom availability. Conclusions 1. Good counseling can not only greatly enhance people’s STI/AIDS/ condom knowledge level but also apparently change their discrminatory attitudes towards STI/AIDS patients; 2. Effective counseling and condom availability are two important factors that influence condom use intention; 3. It is effective and feasible to integrate counseling with the routine procedure of family planning services, hence is worth being scaled up in Shanghai or even nationwide. Objective To assess the impact of pamphlet distribution and counseling on STI / HIV / condom knowledge, attitudes towards STI / AIDS patients and condom use intention of married couples in Shanghai and explore the effective way of integrating STI / HIV prevention with family planning services. Methods Four hundred and five married women aged 20-39 and their husbands were recruited from 14 family planning stations at 7 administrative districts of Shanghai. They were randomly divided into two groups, the counseling intervention (CI) group with 199 couples and the pamphlet distribution ( PD) group with 206 couples. For the PD group, only pamphlets containing information on STI / AIDS / condom were distributed and condoms given free of charge, whereas for the CI group, they were provided with not only full counseling on STI / AIDS / condom and free condoms, but also followed by demonstration of correct condom use. The two modes of interventions were conducted following the baseline survey, and the foll Results 1. There was no statistical difference between the two groups on STI / AIDS / condom knowledge level, attitudes towards STI / AIDS patients and condom use intention at the baseline. 2. The follow findings indicated that: ① A significant enhancement in knowledge level was observed in the CI group, with 20% increase for husbands and 24% for wives. While for the PD group, only slight increase was observed: 2% for husbands and 3% for wives ; 93% of husbands and 76% wives of the CI group changed their discriminatory attitudes toward STI patients, and towards AIDS patients, the percentages were 73% and 78%, respectively; ③ 68% and 64% wives of the CI group expressed their intention for condom use; ④ For the PD group, however, there was no difference in attitudes towards STI / AIDS patients and condom use intention at the baseline and follow up. 3. The knowledge scores and attitudes towards STI / AIDS patients were mainly influe nced bythe means of intervention. While the intention of condom use was influenced not only by means of intervention but also by condom availability. Conclusions 1. Good counseling can not only improve people’s STI / AIDS / condom knowledge level but also apparently change their discrminatory attitudes towards STI / AIDS patients; 2. Effective counseling and condom availability are two important factors that influence condom use intention; 3. It is effective and feasible to integrate counseling with the routine procedure of family planning services, hence is worth being scaled up in Shanghai or even nationwide.
2000年10月,汝官窑瓷器中心烧造区在宝丰清凉寺发掘出土,实在是令全国考古学界为之振奋的一件大事。一 汝窑,与官、钧、哥、定并称为北宋五大名窑。五代至金元,今日宝丰一带为汝州属地,
名次期刊名称影响因子名次期刊名称总被引频次1测绘学报 1.0 5 7 1地球物理学报 7982地学前缘 1.0 2 82地球科学 5 913地球物理学报 0 .787 3地球化学 5 644地球化学 0 .783
近来 ,有关开发温泉、筹备海洋公园、拟建野生动物园以及渡假中心开业、滑雪场落成、举办花会的报道和消息不断 ,出国、出省以及到风景名胜地旅游的广告更是铺天盖地 ,不少地
建立了实时荧光环介导恒温扩增技术(LAMP)检测罗非鱼中金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)的方法,并对方法的灵敏度和特异性进行了评价。针对金黄色葡萄球菌特异性耐热核
临床诊断  1.空腹血糖值≥ 12 6mg/ dl,75g OGTT 2小时值≥ 2 0 0 mg/ dl,随时血糖值≥ 2 0 0 mg/ dl中的任何一个 (静脉血糖值 ) ,在另一天再行检查时又被确认 (即 2次以上