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几年前,在浸染着世纪末情绪的人群中,人们在谈论着一本据说是古代欧洲某位先知所撰的《大预言》。这位先知预言了身后世界的风云变幻.且据说可信度较高,因为从二次大战到超级大国,无不——言中。尤为耸人听闻的是,他预言了在世纪末的某一年(似乎是一九九六年)地球将面临灭顶之灾。现代人类不是恐龙,对“灭顶之灾”缺乏切身体会,是洪水大泛滥.核战争大爆发?不得而知。然而、今年一月份的 TIME 杂志却发布了一条惊人的消息:一月的某天,正当这个星球上的人们忙忙碌碌上班下班竞选炒股度假开派对之时,两位美国大学生无意间观测到一颗直径约半公里的小行星,先是对准地球呼啸而来.随后又以一发之差与地球擦肩而过——如果那位古代先知果真是百言百中的话.这颗小行星将以每小时93,450公里的速度撞上地球、引发30亿~120亿吨级的大爆炸,届时.外星人将竞相观看那颗漂亮的蓝色星球如何被撞成一个大花脸。 随着地球的这次“死里逃生”,引发了一场大讨论:如何建立一个完善的网络测控那些祸患无穷的NEO(近地物体);是否有必要为此建立一个核防御体系:过早着手准备防御是否有点杞人忧天;等等。 本来人类就已经为自己手中的潘多拉魔盒打开关不上而头痛万分,如今更是有点内外交困的味道,只好战战兢兢地手捧《大预言》祈祷 A few years ago, in the crowd impregnated with the emotions of the end of the century, people were talking about a book called “The Great Prophecy” written by a prophet in ancient Europe. The prophet predicted that the world behind him is changing. It is said that the credibility is higher, because from the Second World War to the superpower, there is no word in it. Particularly sensational, he predicted that the earth would be devastated by a certain year (as if it was 1996) at the end of the century. Modern human beings are not dinosaurs. They lack experience in the “disasters” and are flooded. The explosion of nuclear war is unknown. However, in January this year, the TIME magazine released an amazing news: One day in January, just as people on the planet rushed to work to go off to work for a holiday, the two American undergraduates inadvertently observed one. The asteroid, about half a kilometer in diameter, first came to the earth and whistled. Then it crossed the earth with the one-shot difference. If the ancient prophet was truly a hundred words, this asteroid would At a speed of 93,450 kilometers per hour, it crashed into the earth and triggered a big blast of 3 billion to 12 billion tons. At that time, the aliens will race to see how the beautiful blue planet was hit into a big face. With this “escape” of the earth, a big discussion has been triggered: how to establish a perfect network to measure and control those NEOs (nearly-earth objects) that are in great danger; whether it is necessary to establish a nuclear defense system for this: prematurely It’s a bit of annoyance to start preparing for defense; and so on. Originally, human beings had already had a headache for the Pandora’s box in their hands, and now it is a bit of a taste of internal and diplomatic difficulties.
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