Numerical simulation of dynamic characteristics of a water surface vehicle with a blended-wing-body

来源 :水动力学研究与进展B辑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zqs656690
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The blended-wing-body shape vehicle is a new type of water surface vehicle with a large square coefficient. The interference of the wave systems under a high speed condition is more significant for the blended-wing-body shape vehicle and the dynamic characteristics of the new type vehicle are very different from that of a traditional vehicle. In this paper, the implicit volume of fluid (VOF) method is adopted to simulate the wave resistance of the high speed blended wing body vehicle, and a semi-relative reference frame method is proposed to compute the maneuvering coefficients. The effects of the navigation speed, the drift angle and the rotating radius are studied. The dimensional analysis method is used to assess the influence of Fr and L/R on the results. The wave making resistance coefficient against the speed sees a large fluctuation because of the serious wave interference. The lateral rotation maneuvering characteristics under the surface navigation condition is nonlinear and more complex than under the under water condition, which is quite different to control.
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慢性恶性组织细胞病(恶组),国内少见。现报告我院误诊的1例。特点为以咽痛为突出表现,病程长达4年余。患者男,37岁。因反复咽痛、发热4年余,于1987年9月 Chronic malignant