Bandwidth Scale for Frequency Spectrum of Sea Waves

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uspjxt
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It is well known that energy spectrum bandwidth should be able to reflect the degree of energyconcentration.However.the commonly used bandwidth factors defined by Longuet-Higgins could not fitthe concept satisfactorily.A new kind of spectrum bandwidth scale factor with a clear physical meaning isgiven in the present paper and a constant is obtained which reveals the intrinsic characteristics of seawaves.Thereby a universal relationship between significant wave height of sea waves and spectrumbandwidth is established. It is well known that energy spectrum bandwidth should be able to reflect the degree of energyconcentration.However. Of commonly used bandwidth factors defined by Longuet-Higgins could not fitthe concept satisfactorily. A new kind of spectrum bandwidth scale factor with a clear physical meaning isgiven in the present paper and a constant is obtained which reveals the intrinsic characteristics of seawaves.Thereby a universal relationship between significant wave height of sea waves and spectrumbandwidth is established.
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