依靠科技进步 实现经济发展——红河州科技经济工作采风

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为了加大实施科教兴滇战略的力度,同时也为展示地方在促进当地科技经济发展中作出的有益探索和取得的突出成就,2000年9月13日~16日,根据省科技厅的安排,云南省科技厅宣教中心主任刘永珏、云南省民办科技机构管委会主任左汝锡,率领由民营科技杂志社、人民日报社、云南日报社、新华社云南分社、云南民族报社、云南科技报社、生活新报社、云南经济日报社、云南政协报社和云南人民广播电台等十家新闻单位的记者组成的采风团,赴红河州采访了当地民营科技企业发展和农业种植业结构调整的情况。当地政府和领导对本次活动给予了高度重视和积极支持,红河州副州长白保兴、个旧市副市长姚凤英、红河州科委副主任刘忠等同志介绍了有关情况。在4天时间里,采风团走访了有关县、乡、镇,红河烟厂和部分民营科技企业,切身感受到了当地种植业结构调整和民营科技事业发展的火热之势。本刊在此发表一组文章,希望能尽微薄之力,展示红河形象。 In order to intensify the implementation of the strategy of revitalizing Yunnan by science and education and demonstrate the beneficial achievements made by local governments in promoting the development of local science and technology and economy, from September 13 to September 16, 2000, according to the arrangement of the Provincial Science and Technology Department, Yunnan Science and Technology Department missionary center director Liu Yong Jue, Yunnan Province, private technology organizations director of the left Ru Si, led by the private technology magazine, the People’s Daily, Yunnan Daily, Xinhua News Agency Yunnan Branch, Yunnan National News Agency, Yunnan Science and Technology Newspaper, People’s Daily, Daily Life Newspaper, Yunnan Economic Daily, Yunnan CPPCC Newspaper, and Yunnan People’s Broadcasting Station interviewed Honghe Prefecture about the development of local private scientific and technological enterprises and the structural adjustment of agricultural planting. Local government and leaders paid great attention and active support to this event. Bai Baoxing, Vice Governor of Honghe Prefecture, Yao Fengying, Vice Mayor of Gejiu City, and Liu Zhong, Deputy Director of Honghe Prefecture Science and Technology Commission, introduced the situation. In 4 days, the mining delegation visited counties, townships, towns and villages, Honghe Tobacco Factory and some privately-run science and technology enterprises, and personally experienced the fiery tendency of the restructuring of the local planting industry and the development of private scientific and technological undertakings. The magazine published a series of articles here, hoping to make meager efforts to show the image of Honghe.
实施西部大开发是一项规模宏大的系统工程,其中,营造良好的法制环境是极为重要的“核心工程”。 一、推进西部开发,必须加强法制建设 首先,从法理上说,法律作为由国家制定的社会规
本文着重分析了轧辊的标准与质量状况,并提出了改进轧辊质量状况的建议。 This paper focuses on the analysis of the roll of the standard and quality conditions, and p
省委理论学习中心组 1 999年 1 2月 2 1日至 2 6日进行了“扩大开放、加快发展”的专题学习 ,并结合我国加入世贸组织问题 ,深入分析我省面临的形势 ,认真进行了讨论。省委书