High-temperature phases of pyrophyllite and their evolutionary characteristics

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyuan0127
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WITH the increase of heating temperature, phase of pyrophyllite will undergo a series of transformations. Former scholars have done some work in this respect; the temperature spans,however, were normally not more than 1150℃ and no relatively comprehensive results have been reported. Thus, the features of the phases from indoor temperature to melting point (1710℃±) for pyrophyllite and the entire evolutionary process of the phases are uncertain. WITH the increase of heating temperature, phase of pyrophyllite will undergo a series of transformations. The temperature spans, however, were normally not more than 1150 ℃ and no more comprehensive results have been reported. , the features of the phases from indoor temperature to melting point (1710 ° C ±) for pyrophyllite and the entire evolutionary process of the phases are uncertain.
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