Preparation of Bio-beads and Their Atrazine Degradation Characteristics

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boaijuan
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Screened atrazine-mineralizing bacterium―Pseudomonas W4 was embedded inside an improved PVA- H3BO3 embedment matrix to make bio-beads to degrade atrazine. The atrazine degradation characteristics were studied. The preparation procedure of bio-beads was as follows: (1) preparing a mixture of 100, 12.5, 10, 1.5 and 1 g/L PVA, bentonite(Ca), activated carbon powder, sodium alginate and centrifuged Pseudomonas W4 bacterium, respectively; (2) the mixture was dropped into a gently stirred cross linker solution(pH=6.7) and cured at 10 °C for 24 h. The optimal atrazine degradation conditions by bio-beads were as follows: pH=7, the auxiliary carbon source was glucose, and the concentration of glucose was greater than 325 mg/L. The bio-beads demonstrated stronger tolerance ability than the free microorganism to the increase of PCBs, hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion. SEM images show the uniform distribution of the microorganism inside bio-beads and the porous cross-linked structure of bio-beads which provides excellent mass transfer capacity. The preparation of bio-beads was as follows: (1) preparing a mixture of 100, 12.5, 10, 1.5 and 1 g / L PVA, bentonite (Ca), activated carbon powder, sodium alginate and centrifuged Pseudomonas W4 bacterium, pH = 6.7) and cured at 10 ° C for 24 h. The optimal atrazine degradation conditions by bio-beads were as follows: pH = 7, the auxiliary carbon source was glucose, and the concentration of glucose was greater than 325 mg / L . The bio-Seed demonstrated stronger tolerance ability than the free microorganism to the increase of PCBs, hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion. SEM images show the uniform distribution of the microorganism inside bio-beads and the porous cross-linked structure of bio-beads which provides excellent mass transfer capacity.
1 病例 女,42岁。腰酸、月经量增多1年,于1998年3月3日入院。患者近1年来月经量显著增多,经色暗红,有血块,伴尿频、尿急。无高血压病史。查体:BP14/10kPa。妇科检查:宫体如2个月孕大,质中,无压痛。诊断:子宫
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