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Hemoptysis is an uncommon but distressing symptom in children.It poses a diagnostic challenge as it is difficult to elicit a clear history and perform thorough
牙龈瘤为口腔科常见疾病 ,好发于青年人和中年人 ,女性多于男性。传统方法 :手术切除瘤体 ,同时拨除病变波及的牙齿 ,以防止肿瘤复发。我们利用微波热效应原理 ,对牙龈瘤术进
Intracranial incidental findings on magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)of the brain continue to generate interest in healthy control,research,and clinical subjects.
Sickle cell disease(SCD)is a life-threatening genetic disorder characterized by chronic hemolytic anemia,vascular injury and multiorgan dysfunctions.Over the la
目的 :探讨低负压持续吸引引流技术 (简称LSSD技术 )在乳癌根治术中的应用价值。方法 :行乳癌根治术 78例 ,术中于腋窝、锁骨下和胸骨旁放置 1或 2根头端带多侧孔的硬质乳胶
AIM To determine the feasibility of introducing video recording(VR)of neonatal resuscitation(NR)in a perinatal centre.METHODS This was a prospective cohort qual
The development of chronic pain after amputations is not an uncommon event.In some cases the most disabling problem is represented by the symptom called dynamic