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在江苏省盐城市,有一支老年柔力球队,莫看这十几个奶奶爷爷,已连续3年在江苏省中老年柔力球比赛中获得佳绩。这个队的教练陈丽梅还夺得第二届全国柔力球比赛老年组的金牌。64岁的陈丽梅,几年前从市中医院退休后不甘寂寞,玩起了柔力球。每天早晨和下午,都要刻苦磨练一两个小时,几年间,她不仅个人在省市柔力球比赛中屡屡获奖,还取得了“国家级教练”证书。她带动和辅导的一批批柔力球爱好者也都技艺超群。由她编排的老年柔力球新套路,3分钟时间,即有近20个高难度动作,且协调优美,在北京天坛体育馆表演后,受到评委和观众的一致好评。谈到柔力球对健身的作用,她稍一思索,便有条不紊地总结 Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, an elderly softball team, do not look more than a dozen grandmother grandmother, for three consecutive years in Jiangsu Province middle-aged softball game success. The team’s coach Chen Limei also won the second session of the national team softball elder gold medal. 64-year-old Chen Li-mei, retired a few years ago from the Municipal Hospital reluctantly, played softball. Every morning and afternoon, I have to train hard for a couple of hours. In a few years, she not only won prizes in provincial and municipal softball competitions but also obtained the certificate of “National Coach”. She also led a group of counseling and softball fans are also superior skill. She arranged by the old softball new routine, 3 minutes, that is, nearly 20 difficult moves, and beautifully coordinated, in the Beijing Temple of Heaven performance, by the judges and audience alike. Talking about the role of softball on fitness, she thought a little later, they methodically summed up
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