七彩光环下的五岛龙——哈佛的高材生 国际小提琴新星

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日本小提琴新星五岛龙(Ryn Goto),一个当今国际乐坛还初出茅庐的年轻人,但他身上披挂的七彩光环却让人不得不刮目相看——他是在上世纪末名震遐迩的日本女小提琴家美岛莉之胞弟、在美国出生、3岁学琴、名师指导;7岁登台演出、与世界著名乐团及音乐大师广泛合作、17岁跻身DG唱片;拥有深谙小提琴教学的母亲、曾高就大阪市长的外祖父、罗德用过的“剑桥公爵”名琴。2006年秋天,19岁的五岛龙又考入哈佛大学物理系;政治、文化、艺术的深厚背景使他如虎添翼。当然,空手道黑带的实力、20岁的青春年华、健康的体魄、广泛的爱好、帅气的外表、时尚的谈吐,以及经常参与公益活动的良好社会形象,都使他在更广泛的观众中增加了不少的人气指数。从五岛龙在音乐上的业绩上看,他作为国际小提琴界的新星,已经与大名鼎鼎的马泽尔、阿什肯纳吉、郑明勋等大师同台演出;而他那张充满阳光气质的面孔,又为他俘获了众多年轻乐迷的心,是古典音乐界名副其实的“偶像型”人物。他是继张莎拉、约舒阿?贝尔、吉尔?沙哈姆、安娜·索菲·穆特、齐默尔曼之后,又一位“传奇式”的小提琴新秀。媒体常常把他与中国正如日中天的郎朗相提并论。很少能见到,有如此多的优越条件集于一人身上,五岛龙的传奇性也由此而生;他的一切似乎都那么自然而然,他的成长经历也成为了广为关注的焦点。 Ryn Goto, a Japanese violin star, is a fledgling young man in today’s international music scene, but the colorful halo he wore makes people have to admire - he is the world famous Japanese violinist at the end of the century Island Li’s brother, born in the United States, 3-year-old piano learning, teacher guidance; 7-year-old stage performance, and the world-famous orchestra and music master extensive cooperation, 17 years old among DG records; have a deep knowledge of violin teaching mother, Osaka grandfather, Lord used “Duke of Cambridge ” name piano. In the fall of 2006, Wushima Long, 19, was admitted to Harvard University’s Department of Physics. His deep political, cultural and artistic background made him even more powerful. Of course, the strength of Karate Black Belt, 20-year-old youth, healthy body, wide range of hobbies, handsome appearance, stylish conversation, and a good social image of frequent participation in public welfare activities have increased him to a wider audience A lot of popularity index. From the performance of Wushimang in terms of music, as a rising star in the international violin world, he has performed on the stage with such famous masters as Maazel, Ashkenazy, and Cheng Myung Hsun. His sunshine-filled face , But also capture the hearts of many young fans for him, is a veritable “idol ” figure in classical music. He is another “legendary” violin rookie following Zhang Sarah, Joashu Baer, ​​Jill Shahram, Anna Sophie Mutter and Zimmerman. The media often compare him to Lang Lang, a country with a hefty tone. Rare to see, there are so many advantages set in one person, the legend of the Five Wadsons Dragon was born; everything seems to be so natural that his growing experience has become the focus of much attention.
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