
来源 :预防医学论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的目的调查某高校感染性腹泻暴发疫情,查找病原和传播危险因素,为采取针对性防控措施扑灭疫情提供依据。方法采集病例、食堂从业人员及环境有关标本,进行可疑病原体核酸检测。采用现场卫生学调查和病例对照研究方法分析可能传播因素,并采取措施控制疫情。结果全校共发现病例83例,罹患率为1.79%。学生病例82例,食堂工人1例,罹患率分别为1.95%和0.24%。疫情自2015年12月9日始发至2016年1月6日终止,持续36d,期间出现几个不规则流行峰,其中12月21~22日发病较多。学生病例宿舍楼间有明显聚集性,病例对照研究显示接触病例、饭前不经常洗手、便后不经常洗手是引起诺如病毒的感染的危险因素。3例病人和1名食堂从业人员检测GⅠ型诺如病毒阳性,病人呕吐物及环境标本均阴性。结论该疫情为1起诺如病毒GⅠ型引起的感染性腹泻暴发疫情,疫情持续时间长,可能的传播因素为密切接触,导致疫情的扩散蔓延。 Objective To investigate the outbreak of infectious diarrhea in a university, find the pathogen and spread the risk factors, and provide the basis for the targeted prevention and control measures to put out the epidemic. Methods Samples, canteens practitioners and environmental samples were collected for nucleic acid detection of suspected pathogens. An on-site hygiene study and a case-control study were used to analyze possible sources of transmission and measures were taken to control the outbreak. Results A total of 83 cases were found in the school, the attack rate was 1.79%. 82 cases of student cases, 1 canteen workers, the attack rates were 1.95% and 0.24%. The outbreak began on December 9, 2015 and ended on January 6, 2016 for 36 days. There were several irregular epidemic peaks during the epidemic, of which 21 to 22 December were more common. Student dormitory buildings were significantly clustered, case-control studies show that contact with the case, not often wash your hands before meals, and then wash your hands frequently is notochord virus infection risk factors. Three patients and one canteen practitioner tested positive for GI norovirus, and patients were negative for vomit and environmental samples. Conclusions The outbreak was an outbreak of infectious diarrhea caused by GynostemmV I. The outbreak was prolonged and the possible transmission factors were close contact, resulting in the spread of the epidemic.
The state estimation plays an irreplaceable role in many real applications since it lays the foundation for decision-making and control. This paper studies the
目的 探讨螺旋CT三维成像在髋臼骨折中的应用。方法 回顾性分析我院收治经X线、螺旋CT横断及三维重建技术证实的髋臼骨折 2 3例。三维重建以横断面螺旋扫描图为基础 ,层厚
3月1日起,江苏地区航空旅客意外伤害保险金额将由原来的20万元上升至40万元,而每份保险价格20元不变。 3月1日,《江苏省高速公路条例》正式开始施行。该条例对全省高速公路
目的 探讨腕高率对判断RA腕骨塌陷的临床意义。方法 收集资料完整经临床确诊并摄双手腕正位像的RA 40例。按X线分期和有无掌指骨尺偏分 6组测量其腕高率。结果 早期Ρ( 3
先天性食管闭锁及食管气管瘘为新生儿较常见的胃肠道畸形。发病率一般为活婴的 1/4 0 0 0。笔者发现 6例 ,报告如下。本文 6例均为男婴 ,年龄 2~ 8d ,出生后进食即吐 ,奶水自鼻