Torsional Vibrations of Coated Hollow Poroelastic Spheres

来源 :声学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libolb666
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Torsional vibrations of coated hollow poroelastic spheres are studied employing Biot’s theory of wave propagation in poroelastic solid. The dilatations of solid and liquid media are zero, therefore the frequency equation of torsional vibrations is same bo
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Aim: The aim is to compare the vocal fold vibration seen during lip and tongue trills with that seen during phonation of the sustained vowel /ε/, in terms of t
The experiment involves creating a sound wave that propagates down a pipe with 8 transducers attached at equally spaced intervals of 0.01016 m. The numerical me
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In this paper, we will try to find a universal theoretical model and approximate solutions which can be applied to both mode shape and normal shape actuators an