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他个头不高,只有一米六三,看起来却异常干练。银色的眼镜框下,一双大眼睛在略显黝黑的脸上显得格外有神。他就是三师中级人民法院(以下简称三师中院)党组成员、一副院长莫合特·吐逊。1982年,从小就对法律有着浓厚兴趣的莫合特·吐逊,被选调进三师图木舒克垦区人民法院担任一名书记员。那一年,他21岁。上班前,同样做过法官的父亲吐逊·库尔班给他讲了一番话,其中有一句他至今记忆犹新:“作为一名法律工作者,政治立场要坚定,理论功底要深厚,业务能力要出色。”32年来,这句话烙在了他心里,也落 He is not tall, only one meter six three, looks unusually capable. Silver glasses frame, a pair of big eyes in the slightly dark face is particularly God. He is a member of the third division Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter referred to as the third division of the Intermediate People’s Party) member, a dean Morrison Toshio. In 1982, Mohete Tuo Xun, who had a great interest in the law since he was a child, was elected to the People’s Court of Tu Mu Shuken Reclamation in the Third Division as a clerk. That year, he was 21 years old. Before going to work, Judge Tuxun Kurban, who also did the same as the judge, gave him one remarks, one of which he remembered so far: “As a legal worker, his political stance should be firm and its theoretical foundation should be deep , Business ability to be excellent. ”" 32 years, this sentence branded in his heart, but also fall
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World’s largest nylon and spandex producer establishes the state of art commercial textileresearch center in ChinaINVISTA announced building a new research fac
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